Arnie to appear in 'Terminator 4'?

Oh dear, no :(
It started going downhill after the first one - #2 was pretty good, #3 was so bad I can't even say any more about it.
None of them have the atmosphere of the original film...
Still remember trying and failing to sneak into the cinema to see it when it first came out.. got to see it eventually by getting a weekend job there! Wouldn't have that problem these days as they're all lame 12 certs!
Tax Evader said:
Oh dear, no :(
It started going downhill after the first one - #2 was pretty good, #3 was so bad I can't even say any more about it.
While I do agree that 3 was truly awful, for me the series peaked at 2. Judgement Day is still may favourite film. The original is excellent, but 2 beats it imo.

Going back to 3, I didn't actually realise how bad it was until I tried to watch it for a second time. It turned the terminator into a joke, the scene where he gets his clothes just crossed the line for me.

I didn't hold much hope for 3 w/o Cameron onboard, I hold even less hope for 4 after seeing how that turned out.
the_one_deep86 said:
terminator 3 did not deserve to have the terminator title! it was atrocious.

I wanted to post something along these lines. Every one saying it wouldn't be Terminator without Arnie should take a step back. It can never be Terminator without Cameron.

The Terminator series ended at T2:3D, everything after was and will always be crap.
In some ways I think it could be better if they didn't make it another Terminator film as such but made it so it expands on the storyline. It could be a film about the war against the machines so it would almost be a different type of film, but set in the Terminator "universe".
Tax Evader said:
None of them have the atmosphere of the original film...

Yeah, especially that stop-motion bit at the end :p

I know what you mean though, except I thought 2 was better than 1. Maybe only because I saw that one first.
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