

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Over the past few weeks I have been working to get Plastidip available at OcUK.

Plastidip is a great product as it allows you to spray your hardware and change colours of things like cases, graphics card coolers, backplates, fans etc on a semi permanent basis.

if you change your mind down the line, it peels straight off.

best of all it is long lasting, waterproof, cold proof and has multiple uses. loads of people use this stuff on their cars too!

for a case modder, this really is a great product.

Plasti Dip is an air dried flexible liquid matt coating for use on virtually anything!

Plasti Dip resists alkaline, acids, salts, moisture, abrasion, and most chemicals, and is an insulating dielectric coating.It will not crack, chip or peel, and will remain flexible even under severe conditions (-34ºc to +93ºc).

Plastidip is ideal for computer modding as it allows colour customisation without the worry of permanent change. Users can modify the appearence of their cases and if they change their mind, they can simply peel the plastidip off!

Plastidip is ideal for use on plastics such as keyboards, mice, speakers, headsets, fans etc.
used correctly, you can put Plastidip on just about anything as a method for changing aesthetics for long term or temporary use.

It doesnt have to stop there, plastidip can be used on pretty much any suface and is really popular for other applications such as automotive modifications and other electronics projects.

Plastidip protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, and skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. Plasti Dip remains flexible and stretchy over time, and will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions. It has been tested and proven in extreme temperatures.

Wood: Seals and protects from weathering, and prevents splitting.
Metal: Reduces vibration, deadens sound, and prevents corrosion.
Glass: Shatter proofs glass objects (available in clear).
Also... Plastics, Rubber, Fibreglass and concrete surfaces!

NOTE: Surfaces which are non-absorbent such as metals should be primed using specialist Plastidip Primers.

here is a demo of how it works

Check out our range here
That's a really interesting looking product. I've made my own guitar effects pedals in the past, and covering the metal or plastic enclosures is usually one of the trickiest bits of the process (if you don't have access to a powder coating system that is).

Do you know if it's likely you'll expand the range of colours and coating from the current offering, such as the enhancers?
we plan on expansing the range based on sales.

our first order is only quite small so hopefully we will be able to order some more soon.

You ask and you receive!

Got a list of the ones you havw on order rjk?

*hoping for*

*realises the link at bottom*


Nice price too :)

No smoke? :(
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What a great idea - this is the one thing that has stopped me from making a colour change to my case in the past - you don't like it, and your stuck with it, and cannot return to standard. Not any more -yeah.

No orange colour though booo hoo.
They do a colour mix kit though - so hopefully if sales go well - you can get it in.

I assume if you get a larger order the price will be slightly better in the future?

only marginally.

the price we get is nearly the lowest they go. i also believe that we are priced competitively in the market too.

for the poster asking above...
we already have orange on the way too!
May I ask why it costs more here then the official UK site?
I have used these and they are very good.
Works fine on cars Unicorn mate, thats what I initially saw plastidip being used for :)
No need to lacquer unless you want a super glossy finish, its rubber so waterprrof :)
Works fine on cars Unicorn mate, thats what I initially saw plastidip being used for :)
No need to lacquer unless you want a super glossy finish, its rubber so waterprrof :)

Even better, Its for a stone chipped grill so when it gets mashed to pieces ill only peel it and redo it :) Great i think ill be ordering some
Looks very nice, but seems odd to sell it when you need a special primer for metals - and then you don't stock that special primer? :confused:
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