Looks great - it's given me a few ideas for my old case - but how long until someone decides it'd be a great idea to spray their entire build with it, boards and all
i might grab one of these to matte my glossy keyboard, i think it might look good. Only concern is wear over time from hands and sweat.
Wow!!! I gotta say this is looking amazing,Been thinking about changing the colour of my Cosair Air 540 for a while now.

How many cans do you think it would take to change the colour of the entire case?
Saw this stuff appear on the front page earlier today. Has anyone got any pics of stuff they've used it on? It looks really interesting, thinking of changing the interior colour of my case and this stuff looks like it would be perfect :)
Best thing about Plastidip is imo, is that you don't need to sand, prime etc. Just clean with a cloth (think it's called "tac") and spray, wait a few hours and you're done.

Still deciding what to paint on my case, might start with the PCIe brackets. then move onto the fan door on my XL R2.

Masterplan: Should be fairly easy I would imagine, just get a keycap puller give it a once or twice over and wait for it to dry.
Might invest in a can of red, got a few akasa piranha fans in my system and their light blue blades don't match the rest of the parts.
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