ART and appropriate elevation (where ground=0)

29 Aug 2007

At what level should an ART be in my house? A curator friend of ours - and no, this is not a joke - believes the correct elevation from ground for ART is at eye level which on first review appears valid but does not account for differing physical heights of ART viewers. Why must ART suffer because of poor stature, for example?

I will include a poll template shortly because this must end, once and for all.

A - 50cm
B - 75cm
C- 1m
E - 1.25meters
D - 1.5m
F - 1.75m
F - 2.0m

Thank you.
Slow weekend?


At what level should an ART be in my house? A curator friend of ours - and no, this is not a joke - believes the correct elevation from ground for ART is at eye level which on first review appears valid but does not account for differing physical heights of ART viewers. Why must ART suffer because of poor stature, for example?

I will include a poll template shortly because this must end, once and for all.

A - 50cm
B - 75cm
C- 1m
E - 1.25meters
D - 1.5m
F - 1.75m
F - 2.0m

Thank you.
At what level should an ART be in my house?

Serious answer: at whatever level pleases you. But it depends upon the artwork (sculpture, painting, etc), how much space you have, and how many items you have. My mother is an artist and she had to stack her paintings three or four high to display as many of the ones she liked as possible.
Serious answer: at whatever level pleases you. But it depends upon the artwork (sculpture, painting, etc), how much space you have, and how many items you have. My mother is an artist and she had to stack her paintings three or four high to display as many of the ones she liked as possible.
If they are stacked on top of each other than how does one see the the bottom piece?

At what level should an ART be in my house? A curator friend of ours - and no, this is not a joke - believes the correct elevation from ground for ART is at eye level which on first review appears valid but does not account for differing physical heights of ART viewers. Why must ART suffer because of poor stature, for example?

I will include a poll template shortly because this must end, once and for all.

A - 50cm
B - 75cm
C- 1m
E - 1.25meters
D - 1.5m
F - 1.75m
F - 2.0m

Thank you.
What about size of said Art, viewing distance from said Art. My God man have you given this no consideration.
And would you level parallel to the ceiling or the floor/furniture? Or even call on the spirit to level upon the earth?
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Depends, if hanging portraits of one's ancestors the only proper way is so their eye line is above head height so they can look down disapprovingly on future generations.
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