,13Despite repeated tests showing basically no significant improvement for pretty much any games and applications when using faster memory modules?
See here and here and here for example....
Buying uber quick (and expensive) DDR4 for Skylake is largely pointless unless you value a memory bandwidth score over everything else and if that's the case you should be using an X99 setup anyway which can give you even more (likely unused) memory bandwidth with quad channel memory!
'Overall, we've found that DDR4-2666 memory is definitely the optimal choice in terms of performance and value on both the X99 and Z170 platforms, and while faster memory will benefit the Z170 platform, it comes at a cost that likely isn't worth it for gamers when the money could go to other components like CPUs and video cards.'
Back to the OP...
Lynfield to Sandybridge was a big gain but its certainly been small increments since then!