Artists you like in genres you dont like

I'd have to say Spunge from the newer Ska Genre (not including madness and that, they're old school)

Other than Spunge, i despise things like Less Than Jake et al.

dmpoole said:
That is excellent.
Whats even funnier are some of the comments on You Tube of Gangstaz taking it seriously.

I've found that with all parody videos tbh, some people just don't get them and insist that they're bashing the original somehow.
Gilly said:
They haven't been dance (or good) for ages :)

Complete ********, Liam Howlett has evolved. The reason we've still got the prodigy today is because they're not the shamen hence why they survived. If he'd stayed doing what he was doing in 89-90 he wouldn't be here. If he had continued he'd be on a 26th bonkers compilation featuring hixxy and co.

Listen to one of the most recent tracks Final Warning - if the sound of real drums puts you off because it’s too "rock" you shouldn't even be listening to music full stop!

The Prodigy aren't dance realistically they never were. Unfortunately they came out of rave/dance culture. If you listen to other tracks from the 89-92 period in time Howlett’s music is distinguishable above all of the rest it was arguably never "rave" as rave was branded. Howlett has always been well ahead of its time a perfect example of this being the use of instruments (think it was a 404) in Claustrophobic Sting that was 93, generic house tracks that charted were still trying to emulate that in 97-99.

The more "rocky" sound that has been typical of the last few non album tracks and a couple of the always outnumbered tracks is due to the fact Howlett has made more effort to sample real musicians not just breaks off records. FFS they guy sampled a live flute player on Voodoo People in 93 so the style of production hasn't changed or was he too classical or school band for you then?

Anyone who thought of the prodigy as a dance act is sadly mistaken, they never have been and never will be nor will they ever be a rock act. Howlett is the Hendrix of the late electronic era you can't fit him into a genre.
Amy Winehouse. Never listen to soul music, but she has such a beautiful voice I can get beyond that it has a soul/jazz sound to it. Weird :confused:
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