As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse

That’s what we were all saying about coronavirus in February

That's true, and coronavirus aint anywhere near as bad as this guy:

God damnit again.

I've just found something worse than uranium worms or coronavirus.

This music video

Cracking track though

God damnit again.

I've just found something even worse than uranium worms, coronavirus and cheaply produced soft rock music videos.

Watership Down.

Now that'll screw you up.

Edit: Bright Eyes, Burnin' Like Fire

Man just as life was going to get so bad, I was prepared to top myself.

I found salvation:

Good thread seriously, we should do this again sometime.

Don't you dwell on negativity. Life's too short.

Enjoy it, make everyday count.

"This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us."

Make the most of it.
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Not great, not terrible.

Pretty worrying really. Nobody has owned up to a leak so they either don't know they have one or they do and don't care enough to inform the rest of the world. It ain't going to go away by itself.
I could list about a million things over this that could make your year worse. Get your head out of the media's negativity, stop spreading it with attention seeking forum titles, and go and enjoy your life.

Agreed. That's why I have been avoiding Facebook since early covid. Less media (and less social media) = less negativity. If you want covid updates without the sensationalist weasel words thrown in, then stick to sources like the WHO.

Ok sweet-cheeks no problem :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

In all honesty, when I saw your thread title, I thought something bad has happened e.g. you've been burgled or you had some bad news about a family member. People do sometimes post similar thread titles on GD and people reply to sympathise.

Good thread seriously, we should do this again sometime.

Yup. Same time same place next week fellas :)
And your still alive and it probably hasn't effected you in anyway apart from maybe your favorite shop has been closed for a few weeks

Wow. Everyone my age is talking about delaying retirement by a year or two. Some of them are losing sleep about job security and dreading their weekly furlough meetings when they wait to see who gets the chop. Higher taxes for who knows how long. Less money for public services. Countless thousands of people whose mental health has been compromised. Yeah, it’s been breeze

I’ll stop feeding you now
Ok sweet-cheeks no problem :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I do think it's part of the problem. Stuff like this is reported all the time for decades just that we're so interconnected that we get to hear about every single thing now. Back in the 90's/2000's we're weren't half as stressed and freaked out as a society as we are today because we just didn't know half the stuff we know today.

I'm seriously thinking about turning off all social media because it's getting to me, to be frank. Or at least move away from everything political. But then the SJW had infiltrated my two great loves, movies and games. And practically destroyed them.
Don't you dwell on negativity. Life's too short.

Enjoy it, make everyday count.

Because you haven't got many days left, oh god....


Perhaps this is Russia's secret to its miraculous covid death rates, clearly radiation kills coronavirus! Drink the glowing water people!
Wouldn't be the first time Russia had a nuclear accident and kept it quiet.

But it's fine, the green brigade say nuclear is risk free :P
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