"As long as it doesn't look like a black monstrosity"

Thanks for the comments. Still very pleased with the whole setup. Its doing what I want, and how I want. I had a bit of a spell with instability. Wouldn't boot from sleep correctly, wouldn't remain stable etc. I think the cause was the BIOS level. Updated everything again to the latest one, and its all sorted - super stable again.

Another aspect was I've turned back the overclocking of the CPU. I was noticing that on task manager, the CPU was pegged at max frequency ... not necessarily high usage, just frequency. Turning off the overlocking and some adjustments of the power management now means that I can see the CPU adjust its clock frequency to demand. This has kept temps lower as well under lighter usage.

A few upgrades since original posts. I've since added another 16Gb RAM to it. Overkill I know, but as time goes on, I thought I'd be better buying another one of the RAM pairs from the same source as the original which would save me trying to match it later on. All 4 are running happily at 3000 after the bios updates etc.

Also added a GPU. The APU of the 2400G was alright, but limiting what I was wanting to do with the machine. I thought long and hard about it, waiting for RTX etc etc ... but bit the bullet prior to launch and got a Zotac 1080Ti Mini. Reason for a short card was it allowed air to flow past and into the CPU zone of the box. It was also not that tall, as the case is limited in what card height you can fit in it. Things like Strix cards and the like just wouldn't fit. Toyed a lot with going for a Vega 64 too ... but having only a 600W power supply, was concerned a little about the power draws etc.

1080Ti has been perfect to date so far. Has more than enough power for my needs, isn't noisy and just works. Messing around with Team Fortress 2 ( about the only game I play at the moment ) at 4k seems to only use it to 50% of less ... so very happy.

A quick pic of the setup:


Thoughts on the future. I can see myself upgrading the CPU further down the line. I'm very please with the 2400G though, and on upgrading, I'll probably make use of it in a very small mini-ITX PC build for some other use elsewhere down the line.
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