Ask a stupid question - how easy is it to set up a wordpress site?

13 May 2003
As per the title really despite having used computers and the internet since 1994 I've never had my own website. I'd like to do a little blog on my own domain name (this I already have) and in the longer term maybe next few months to a year my wife would like to use the site for a bit of online sales of some craft tat she makes and sells.

I intend just to put up occasionals stories about little projects I'm doing and stuff in the garden or our varied attempts at diffeerent crafts. I'm not after loads of hits it's just a fun side project.

With respect to any future etailing any traffic will probably be driven by my wifes presence at craft shows we're not looking to grow a significant business or anything, we both havefulltime jobs.

I've been considering Krystal witha basic package and it won't cost me much to dip my toes in I'm just a touch apprehensive having never done anything like this before.
Hello again peeps.

After months of faffing around I finally (as in last night) got my Wordpress site up and running in the barest most correct only in a technical sense meaning of the word. I'm still reading through a tutorial but my first hurdle is I used the Krystal cPanel to install my wordpress database and in ignorance created a sub directory where all my files live. But it means when I enter my url I don't get my wordpress site, I have to go to the directory address. Now in the dashboard it explains how to move from the root directory to a subdirectory but not how to point to the url I want if everything is already in a sub-directory.

As usual any help would be much appreciated. I expect I'm going to be back quite a lot asking daft questions.
@Beansprout I had considered that option but it requires a reasonable amount of work down a well defined path, I was hoping that I from the place I am there were might be just a few files and changes that I need to make to achieve the same aim. But thank you for your response much appreciated.
Well sorted the directory problem on rereading some of the WordPress help pages I recognised only needed to move the index and some other file into my public html folder and rename the path in WordPress dashboard. So very much in line with your comments Beansprout.

I've still got a lot of reading on design to do. I have a question though, currently posts appear on the home page and I have a categorisation hierarchy set up for naming them and file path. Is it possible to create pages where all the posts of that category type are shown in date order so they are still easily visible once they get supplanted on the home and also as a themed repository?
@ChroniC Thx for the response didn't notice it for a few days. I see what you're getting at might be beyond my current very limited skill set, but I'll get there. Also very little content so not a worry yet.

My current problem is I'm trying to write new posts and the sodding Yoast Tool Bar is covering up the paragraph so I can't see what I'm writing. Scratching my head, there will obviously be a damn easy solution just haven't spotted it yet.

edit: might be a browser issue, serves me right for logging in from work. Will test when at home on my own PC.
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It turned out to be a browser issue, I was pootling in my lunch hour at work and it wouldn't play nice but we're still on Internet Explorer!! When I got home and used Edge or Firefox it played as expected it to.
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