*** ASRock H81 Pro BTC Crypto Coin Mining Board Now Available *** H61 Version Now Available too

yes, yes it is, they have been ordered and should be with us in a matter of weeks. With that in mind I might even have to grab myself one of these boards so that I can consolidate my three rigs into one.
Next day shipping of risers would be magnificent. They seem to be the bottleneck in getting a new rig up quickly.
I as avoiding mining because I thought it was die off due to the difficulty curve... So it is still profitable?

Did I really type that?

I was avoiding mining because I thought it was going to die off due to the difficulty curve... So, is it still profitable?
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I as avoiding mining because I thought it was die off due to the difficulty curve... So it is still profitable?

Did I really type that?

I was avoiding mining because I thought it was going to die off due to the difficulty curve... So, is it still profitable?

Difficulty goes up as well as down and if you choose the right alternative coin then I can be very profitable.

Compared to mining Bitcoins, even litecoins (the second most commonly mined coin) are more profitable now than they were six weeks ago.

If you want to read more or ask questions to more experienced miners check out our Crypto Coin Mining Forum
Word of advice to anyone buying this board, if you are putting it in a crate or on a frame, make sure you have a means of powering it on (PC Case Switch etc) as they have no onboard power button, something i took for granted when i bought 2 of these ;)
Thanks, I'll check it out scottib.

Sid, just touch the two jumper pins for the power button with something conductive. It will turn on. A switch simply bridges the gap between the pins in the same way.
Word of advice to anyone buying this board, if you are putting it in a crate or on a frame, make sure you have a means of powering it on (PC Case Switch etc) as they have no onboard power button, something i took for granted when i bought 2 of these ;)

I just use my trusty screwdriver. :D
My bro has been mining the last year or so but recently as its been in the news etc everyone has got on board making it barely profitable at all even on the highest end graphics cards. He just bought 5x asic miners from Asia for cheap and is now doing miles better. Looks like this has hit the market too late Id say.
My bro has been mining the last year or so but recently as its been in the news etc everyone has got on board making it barely profitable at all even on the highest end graphics cards. He just bought 5x asic miners from Asia for cheap and is now doing miles better. Looks like this has hit the market too late Id say.

What were the miners called?
My bro has been mining the last year or so but recently as its been in the news etc everyone has got on board making it barely profitable at all even on the highest end graphics cards. He just bought 5x asic miners from Asia for cheap and is now doing miles better. Looks like this has hit the market too late Id say.

If you mind SHA-256 with GPUs your make nothing.

I know a lot of us are making a tidy little return on scrypt mining.

OCUK any eta on the arrival of the next batch?
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