ASrock or MSI

I'd highly recommend the Extreme4 Gen3 as per review in my sig - I've been using it ever since and had no probems with bugs that some seem to be reporting in this thread.

With the budget you have there are quite a lot of options available all of which would give you similar results in terms of performance and features. If it was me - I would go with Extreme4 Gen3 or the MSI GD65 G3, both are the same price!

the msi borad is £150 then you send off for the cashback(well cheque) and it brings the price down to £125.
oh and read the other extreme4 gen3 threads
what is that for ?

From what I can gather with the MSI board if you set the CPU voltage to anything other than auto you cannot use power saving so your CPU sticks at its high clocks and voltages all the time. If you want power saving lower idle clocks and voltages you have to let the board set the voltage for you.

With Asrock you can tell the board to offset the default voltage so you get to keep your manually set voltage AND power saving features too. IE if your CPU VID is 1.2v you can set an offset load voltage of 0.15v so the chip gets 1.35v when clocked but the default lower voltage when idle.
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