Assassin's Creed Origins

Watched it. Thought to myself "its the same old crap". Just how far can Ubi go bringing the samey type of gameplay with different surroundings? They really should retire this series and focus on newer IP's like The Division etc.
The Desmond/Altair/Ezio storyline were superb. After that it was pretty much downhill imo. Black Flag was a great pirate/sea game but a lousy AC one.
Watched it. Thought to myself "its the same old crap". Just how far can Ubi go bringing the samey type of gameplay with different surroundings? They really should retire this series and focus on newer IP's like The Division etc.
The Desmond/Altair/Ezio storyline were superb. After that it was pretty much downhill imo. Black Flag was a great pirate/sea game but a lousy AC one.

1. This is made by the Black Flag team.

2. So? The others are critically well received and loved by fans. Syndicate was far from tired, it was a great game.
Sorry but the others were FAR from critically received. Unity was critically laughed at for it's animations and microtransactions that were more of a priority by Ubisoft to fix then the former. Syndicate had hardly any decent redeeming characters compared to the previous games and apart from being in a well designed London was hardly a great game.

You can only play the same thing so many times before it gets dull and we've been down the tree climbing/hiding in the bushes route how many times?

I absolutely love the AC franchise but it needs a good break and a rethink instead of a rehash.
Wasn't the whole spiel about taking the series back to it's roots? This literally looks like another reskinned Far Cry with AC elements.

Oh well.
Why ruin everything I loved about Assassin's Creed. AC does NOT have to be a RPG. How many more RPG's are we going to get? Seems like every single game is now a RPG??? So bored of this genre. I want my original AC back with epic storylines. I'll pass. Blah

Sad thing this is exactly how GTA6 is going to be like, but with mass amounts on Micro Transactions
Sorry but the others were FAR from critically received. Unity was critically laughed at for it's animations and microtransactions that were more of a priority by Ubisoft to fix then the former.

Unity was the only one that scored poorly (if we call a 70 average "poor") and that was because of the bugs, not the game itself. Nearly every other game in the series reviewed very well.
The bugs were part of the game...that is the game itself therefore.

Not really, I played it 3 months after release and had one bug (a guy clipping through some stairs) so kind of irrelevant now. That's like saying Diablo 3 is **** because it had launch problems when you won't get any of those if you play it now.
Not really, I played it 3 months after release and had one bug (a guy clipping through some stairs) so kind of irrelevant now. That's like saying Diablo 3 is **** because it had launch problems when you won't get any of those if you play it now.
Oh now I understand what you meant. If the only things criticised were bugs that have now been fixed, I totally see your point.
Graphics looked great for an Alpha build but you just know it'll be the same boring game mechanics. The combat is so bland.

Black Flag was the only AC that kept my attention, from reading above this is coming from the same team? Might give it a look if that's the case.
I'm such a sucker for these games. I've purchased pretty much most of the AC games, each time I say I won't but I do.... I need to learn from my mistakes.. But then I tend to enjoy them, I just love the settings they use each time.
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