Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Please, PLEASE back to assassination, not base clearing rinse repeat gameplay that just dragged out way too much. Get Origins style story telling with Odyssey's RPG elements. Then I'm in.

Oh, and a darker image overall, Greece was pretty but way too plain and bright.
Please, PLEASE back to assassination, not base clearing rinse repeat gameplay that just dragged out way too much. Get Origins style story telling with Odyssey's RPG elements. Then I'm in.

Oh, and a darker image overall, Greece was pretty but way too plain and bright.

They'll struggle to make the vikings bright and cheery surely? For one it’ll rain constantly :p
Its quite plain and simple for me. The moment pre-orders go up for this, I will immediately buy the Gold or Deluxe edition or whichever version it is that comes with the future DLCs. Its an absolute no brainer for me. My Game of The Year for 2017 was Assassins Creed Origins, my Game of the Year for 2018 was Assassins Creed Odyssey.....combined I got over 500 hours out of those two games. They've become by far and away my favourite two Assassins Creed games (I have them all) and I look forward to this title with drooling mouth. Its one of the top 3 titles that I am most looking forward to (Baldurs Gate 3 and Cyberpunk being the other two)
There are some cool gods and lore to draw on!

Very much so, obviously most people are aware of Loki, Thor and Odin but the Norse Pantheon has many really interesting Gods in it, theres also a lot of really good lore too, no doubt we will see Draugar (undead) , Trolls, Jotnar giants...I expect we will also see Grendel , Beowulf and Fenrir. Perhaps most excitingly of all, dont forget, the mighty Kraken is a norse legend :)
Looking forward to it, the reboot creed games close to 350 hours between the. And one of few games I bothered to 100%. Hope this takes best of both games.

am curious to the release date and what studio within ubi are working on it as the Quebec team who did odyssey are doing gods and monster game. Could be the Montreal team who did origin I imagine.
Looking forward to it, the reboot creed games close to 350 hours between the. And one of few games I bothered to 100%. Hope this takes best of both games.

am curious to the release date and what studio within ubi are working on it as the Quebec team who did odyssey are doing gods and monster game. Could be the Montreal team who did origin I imagine.

Yeah if the leaks were true then its the team behind Origins rather than the team behind Odyssey
They'll struggle to make the vikings bright and cheery surely? For one it’ll rain constantly :p

You say that haha, but Ubi really love overly vivid environments. Also, I wouldn't mind the tomb style exploration from Origins over the copy and paste 'tombs' in Odyssey.

Either way, I'm excited.
If it's closer to Odyssey than Origins then I'll have to pass. Good game but not a patch on Origins with all the copy-paste and repetition.
Origins had the best designed map and the best setting hands-down.

One thing's for certain, the setting won't be as unique as we've had a fair share of Norse-themed games, even the last God of War and Hellblade.

Quite curious what the game will be like nonetheless.
If it's closer to Odyssey than Origins then I'll have to pass. Good game but not a patch on Origins with all the copy-paste and repetition.
Origins had the best designed map and the best setting hands-down.

One thing's for certain, the setting won't be as unique as we've had a fair share of Norse-themed games, even the last God of War and Hellblade.

Quite curious what the game will be like nonetheless.

I'm expecting a merge of the two games, so I'm expecting a large gameworld but not as large as Odyssey, I'm expecting both a female and male option as player characters. A darker overall look to the title, heavy emphasis on forest and mountain, a good sized snowy area. I expect shields to make a return again. I think naval combat might be toned down somewhat from Odyssey, its not like the Vikings were big naval combatants. I expect Alexios/Cassandra to make an appearance at some point. I also expect even less of the "modern" stuff in this title, Odyssey already had the modern bits cut down significantly from what it was in Origins and its clear to me that they are wanting to move away from that side of things (cant blame them really, the modern bits were always the worst aspect of the games imo). I had high hopes for a co-op mode but I dont think that will happen. I also wouldnt be surprised if the UK wasnt in the game and is added as a DLC/Expansion, I think the Conquest battles of Odyssey will be in it again. First Civ stuff will be tied in to the Norse Gods and the huuuuuge amount of Norse legends. Will be interesting to see if they tie Song/Music in the game somehow, music and song was enormously important to the Vikings and Norse culture, Skalds (bards) were held in very high esteem and music itself was believed to have all manner of mystical properties, including healing and combat enhancements. Talking of music, I'm expecting an absolutely top notch soundtrack to this game, theres awesome potential for some really good Viking/Norse themed music.
I thought the combat was better in Odyssey, so hopefully that gets retained and improved further. I do agree that Odyssey was copy/paste repetitive in places, but it was just more of what I liked. :)
I'm expecting a merge of the two games, so I'm expecting a large gameworld but not as large as Odyssey, I'm expecting both a female and male option as player characters. A darker overall look to the title, heavy emphasis on forest and mountain, a good sized snowy area. I expect shields to make a return again. I think naval combat might be toned down somewhat from Odyssey, its not like the Vikings were big naval combatants. I expect Alexios/Cassandra to make an appearance at some point. I also expect even less of the "modern" stuff in this title, Odyssey already had the modern bits cut down significantly from what it was in Origins and its clear to me that they are wanting to move away from that side of things (cant blame them really, the modern bits were always the worst aspect of the games imo). I had high hopes for a co-op mode but I dont think that will happen. I also wouldnt be surprised if the UK wasnt in the game and is added as a DLC/Expansion, I think the Conquest battles of Odyssey will be in it again. First Civ stuff will be tied in to the Norse Gods and the huuuuuge amount of Norse legends. Will be interesting to see if they tie Song/Music in the game somehow, music and song was enormously important to the Vikings and Norse culture, Skalds (bards) were held in very high esteem and music itself was believed to have all manner of mystical properties, including healing and combat enhancements. Talking of music, I'm expecting an absolutely top notch soundtrack to this game, theres awesome potential for some really good Viking/Norse themed music.

Yeah, I absolutely don't want anything bigger than Odyssey. Origins felt bigger anyways because it was a single landmass, I think it exceeded the overall landmass of Odyssey.
Big but with unique locations akin to tombs on pyramids? Hell yes. Big with entire entrances and caves being copy-paste? Hell no.

Naval combat I wasn't really a fan of anyways. None of the games top Black Flag in this regard, they were amazing there. And the shanties:p I don't mind occasional naval bits here and there, just don't force me to sail through empty waters being attacked by similar ships from time to time to make the game seem bigger.

Not really worried about the soundtrack, Origins and Odyssey had great ambient music (especially Origins) that was used too sparingly.

About modern stuff, I totally agree with you. I think they now realise how nonsensical this has become and they're struggling to understand the plot themselves so they're backpedalling out of it but don't want to admit it:p

Oh, and please, don't make the movement so arcadey and floaty, it was awful in Odyssey. The combat as well, hits had really little behind them.

They have a lot of potential on their hands with this mythology, I hope they'll do it justice.
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