Assassins creed

Some are decent and some not so much. Stories are terrible on the whole but the gameplay can be fun. Some of the environments are great especially Paris, Egypt and Greece.
I played Odyssey and it was fantastic, loved every minute of it, the game is huge. I think I spent around 90 hours in total with it and still have unexplored areas.

Also own Origins but not started that yet.

I’m deep into Valhalla and I am loving it, it’s one of those that’s aided by the fact I love all the Norse mythology stuff and coupled with the fact it’s in England I love exploring the historic areas and such, I rate it very closely to odyssey however the combat has been completely reworked.

For reference Odysseybwas my first proper AC game, never played the “classic” ones
Ok so if you want a fully fleshed out cast of characters then the Ezio trilogy (AC2, AC:Brotherhood and AC:Revalations) is what you want. However the games are a lot older than the modern day AC's like Odyssysyey and that Viking one which is a typical grindfest. Ezio is by far the most loved assassin as we spend a ton of time with him in incredible locations.

AC3 I personally disliked a great deal as it introduced an 'evesdrop' mechanic. It was overused and ruined my enjoyment of the series.

The weakest AC, but at the same time the best pirate game is Assassins Creed: Black Flag. As an assassin game, it isn't all that and the story is dire.

From AC:Origins onwards the games change. The old school formula is dispensed with a more arcadey/action witcher style take on combat. Origins being set in Egypt was superb and you could see it was built with a lot of love. It was followed by Odyssey, and whilst that was enjoyable it was clear to see (for me anyway) that there was a LOT of cut & paste from Origins (tombs for instance). I never gave Valhalla a shot because I could see where the series was going - an MTX foundation with a lengthy game layered on top to keep you tied in.

The thing that sets out the AC games is that they feature two timelines, first set out in Assassins Creed. There is the modern day templar war vs assassins, and a contraption called the Animus that lets you go back into the past and hunt for key artifacts during the templar v assassin war back then which can change the course of this war in the future. Ubisoft had begun the series with a fleshed out modern day story however it seems they just plain gave up after Black Flag and just wanted action games. Some folks hate the modern day storyline because they never played the older games where it was in it's prime. If you began playing at say Origins then you won't care for it at all.

If I was you, I'd start with Origins. At least you get to see the beginnings of the 'Creed' and what it means.
I was surprised by AC III. I really enjoyed it on the second attempt with the remastered version. Black Flag was the same - second attempt it clicked and I played it all the way through. I'm looking forward to Rogue remastered most, it's the only one I've not played now (and Valhalla).
Only one I enjoyed was black flag played to the end, rest were a bore and such a chore I gave up.

I tried valhalla took so long to get even remotely going sacked it off, map was far too big and filled with so much repetitiveness it was a joke.

Don't even think ubisoft try with it anymore copy and past change a skin its done, once you play one you like there all the same essentially
I'm a few hours in revelations.
For some reason 3 isnt free but 4 is.

Is it worth buying 3?

Does this series get better? Revelations has some crap tower defence game. Is that forgotten about in later games? And the shop buying thing is totally unnecessary too. Do they get rid of that crap?
The first one was excellent and something with a bit of originality. Black flag my favourite though, did everything on there except defeat that very last legendary ship. Loved it but haven't played any if the modern ones. I have Valhalla but not installed it yet.
I'll probably play 4 next but should I play 3? With all the bloat mechanics that get added and refined every release I imagine it's hard playing an older one after a newer one
AC3 is not that great. AC4 is on another level. I mean it’s OK but you have to really love the series to like that one much. Stories are all balls anyway. Black Flag is one of the best of them all.
Good to see so many Black flag fans. Ubi's Skull and Bones seems to be under the radar, release due November but gameplay videos are conspicuously absent from the interwebs. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a modern re-skin of Black Flag, wouldn't be mad about that either.
Good to see so many Black flag fans. Ubi's Skull and Bones seems to be under the radar, release due November but gameplay videos are conspicuously absent from the interwebs. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a modern re-skin of Black Flag, wouldn't be mad about that either.
Yeah that’s definitely on my radar but wouldn’t be surprised if that date slips into next year.
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