
Just read all that, makes me want to buy this game.

Do you ever have to defend yourself from predators? Or attack anything for food or to defend yourself?

There's none of that in the game at the moment, but they're working on it for the final release. At the moment it's more a beautiful sandbox experience where you can just do your own thing and explore the world and the tech tree. You can build shuttles that you can fuel up and use to launch to other planets with different ecosystems and materials. You can create another base there and then shuttle between them.

I have also just discovered that they've added a buildable dropship into the game which allows you to deploy another main base structure wherever you like. I didn't know that this was possible, and that's so awesome! I have no idea when they added it, but I'm fairly sure that it wasn't available the last time I played (0.9.1).
Wow, a massive update to Astroneer landed last night (pun intended)!

Yeah, this is a pretty comprehensive one and features a massive overhaul of the crafting system, along with a small shuttle and a solid-fuel thruster that can be used early game to visit the other planets. They're saying that visiting the other planets to gather resources is key to progressing.

The mineral extractor has been changed to soil centrifuge that you can use to extract most but not all resources now. The smelter is now able to smelt more resources, you can combine resources together to create other resources using a chemical lab.

Yeah, it's massive!

Steam 'Early Access' players will receive this update September 6th, 2018.

Update 0.10.1 contains a complete overhaul to the crafting and progression systems, including new resources, minerals, recipes, modules, and a new shuttle! Watch the trailer here:

Buy it now on Steam and Xbox Play Anywhere: Update 0.10.1 is out now! This update contains a complete overhaul to the crafting and progression systems, including new...

New Crafting Progression

In order to prepare for new items that will be added in 1.0 as well as creating a progression that encourages exploration, we have overhauled the progression of crafting. There are now new resources in the world to gather, completely new craftable resources, and a new resource type, Atmospheric! Now, in order to craft everything in the game, Astroneers must travel to different planets. Progression now happens in a few stages:

Stage 1: Gathering resources with your terrain tool. In addition to the existing in-game resources, there are several new mineral deposits found throughout the world, and different densities of those resources on different planets.

Stage 2: Smelting and Refining resources. Like the current version of Astroneer, step two requires smelting and refining materials. There are new smeltable resources, be sure to check their UI card for more details!
  • Smelter has been renamed “Smelting Furnace”
  • More resources can be smelted
Stage 3: Extracting resources from soil. This system has gotten a complete overhaul. Rather than just extracting all resources, the newly dubbed Soil Centrifuge's role is now to help Astroneers extract common resources without all of the manual labor. This should allow players to focus on finding rare resources and automate the process of gathering items like compound and resin.
  • Mineral Extractor has been refactored into the “Soil Centrifuge”
  • Centrifuge provides easy access to common and uncommon resources but no longer can create all resources.
Stage 4: Compositing two resources together. Stage 4 now requires some science! In order to create rare composite resources, Astroneers must use the "Chemisty Lab" to combine resources from the above steps. Rare resources will now sometimes require a specific atmospheric gas to create.
  • Hydrazine Catalyzer has been refactored into a “Chemistry Lab”
  • Brand new resources can be crafted by combining multiple resources together
  • Some high-level resources require an Atmospheric resource as a type of fuel
Stage 5: Collecting Atmospheric Resources. As mentioned above, Atmospheric Resources are a new resource, and the new Atmospheric Condenser is the way to gather them. Not all atmospheres have every gas, and some have higher concentrations of gases than others, so make sure to visit new planets in order to collect all gases for crafting!
  • Fuel Condenser has been refactored into the “Atmospheric Condenser”, and visuals for the module have been completely replaced
  • Allows you to collect different resources from the planet’s local atmosphere
  • Different planets have different resource availabilities!
New Resources and Recipes

A new ore has been added - Sphalerite. Sphalerite can be smelted into Zinc, and is found above ground and below ground on most planets.

New types of resource deposits have been added - Quartz, Clay, and Graphite.
  • Quartz can be smelted into Glass
  • Clay can be smelted into Ceramic
  • Organic can now be smelted into Carbon. Coal deposits have been removed from the game and any existing Coal nuggets have been migrated to Carbon nuggets.
  • The Medium Generator now uses Carbon!
The following new crafted resources can be created at the Chemistry Lab:
  • Rubber
  • Plastic
  • Aluminum Alloy
  • Tungsten Carbide
  • Graphene
  • Diamond
  • Hydrazine
  • Silicone
  • Explosive Powder
  • Steel
  • Titanium Alloy
  • Nanocarbon Alloy
The following new atmospheric resources can be gathered using the Atmospheric Condenser:
  • Hydrogen
  • Argon
  • Methane
  • Nitrogen
  • Helium
  • Sulfur
To enable early game exploration of new planets, two new items have been added: the Solid-Fuel Thruster and the Small Shuttle.
  • The Solid-Fuel Thruster is unlocked in the Catalog for 500 Bytes and is printed from the Small Printer for 1 Aluminum and 1 Ammonium. This disposable thruster will enable you to take a one-way trip to another planet so you can collect the resources you need to complete your crafting progression. For your convenience, it prints to a small package that fits in your backpack, so be sure to take spares with you if you want to make round trips!

  • The Small Shuttle is unlocked in the Catalog for 1500 Bytes and is printed from the Vehicle Bay for 2 Aluminum. The Small Shuttle works with both the Hydrazine Thruster and the Solid-Fuel Thruster.
Recipes for many of the objects in game have changed! The goal of these changes is to give each item a clearer place in the crafting and gameplay progression. We hope players will now have a much more gratifying sense of progression as they unlock and craft new technology!

Because this is such a big change for the game, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the forums.

General Changes

The Catalog has received a visual redesign! We heard your feedback loud and clear on this, and with all the new recipes, we decided to overhaul the catalog and the information provided within. We hope that players will now make better informed decisions when spending bytes and planning out progression!
  • The Catalog display now shows the required resources to help you decide how to spend your hard-earned bytes
  • To further streamline Research and Printing, researchable items have been arranged by the printer type they come from (Backpack, Small Printer,
  • Medium Printer, Vehicle Bay) instead of their gameplay role.
  • All Fabricators have been renamed to Printers.
Collectible power nuggets and oxygen nuggets have been removed from the game!
  • To mitigate oxygen “rescue” moments, oxygen filters are unlocked by default and resin deposits are more common.
  • To mitigate power collection, the collectible nuggets surrounding hazards will collect as organic for small power generators.

Hovering over the required Resource holograms on printers now displays information about obtaining that Resource in their Tooltip. There are tons of new things, so this should help players find the resources they need!

EXO Wrecks and fallen Astroneer backpacks now have a chance to grant the newly added resources. See you in the stars fallen friends.
Byte values of researchable items have been adjusted
Byte costs of purchasable items have been adjusted


The following live issues have been fixed as of version
  • [AS-2487] - Fixed a bug where the Smelter sound loop would persist for Client players in Multiplayer games after smelting has finished
  • [AS-2676] - Fixed a bug where the Client player in Multiplayer games was unable to hear the Smelter when it was active
  • [AS-3330] - Fixed a bug where the Client player in Multiplayer games was not able to see the preview holograms while printing Medium and Large Rovers
  • [AS-3341] - Fixed a bug where Vehicle Bay will pop to center of the Shelter once it has been unpacked
  • [AS-3362] - Fixed a minor issue with the Medium Solar hologram which appeared too bright in the Catalog
  • [AS-3363] - Fixed a minor issue with the Terrain Analyzer image clipping through the background of the Catalog
  • [AS-3419] - Control + Click shortcut should once again work on the Landing Zone control panel
  • [AS-3426] - Fixed a bug with the item pads of small objects becoming separated from the object under certain conditions
  • [AS-3461] - Fixed an issue where Fireworks explosion became visually offset with the rocket
  • [AS-3465] - Smelter will no longer drop items to the ground when queuing up resources
  • [AS-3509] - Items will no longer fall out of world when packages are unpacked upside down
  • [AS-3522] - Fixed a bug where the green light on the side of certain module packages did not light up
  • [AS-3523] - Fixed a bug where Printers were not prevented from printing when items were placed in the center of the preview hologram
  • [AS-3541] - Fixed a long term usability issue where Smelter slots did not have priority over platform slots for placing ores for processing.
  • [AS-3571] - FIxed a visual issue where the Medium Storage became unskinned for a brief moment when unpacking
  • [AS-3602] - Fixed a number of localization issues in the Quick Help menu screens
  • [AS-3608] - Fixed a number of objects whose holograms appeared too large in the Catalog and caused readability issues with localized text
  • [AS-3647] - Fixed a bug where the Small Fabricator could finish its current printing process while being stowed in the backpack
  • [AS-3665] - Resources found in the white resource caches now show UI information cards
  • [AS-3669] - Exit key is no longer present in the shuttle UI when in orbit
  • [AS-3739] - Fixed an issue that occured when the player died with the research catalog open which caused previously unlocked items to show as locked and unpurchasable after respawn.
Thanks for reading! This is a big change for the game, and we would love your feedback. Use this thread to give us your thoughts![]

I wonder if this will entice back some of those that said there wasn't enough to do?
I'm surprised at the lack of discussion here about this game. Are many playing it at the moment? I've had a bit of time on it after full release, and there's so much that's changed, it feels like a brand new game now. There's a huge amount of stuff to research and build, and loads of new resources. The planets are more varied as well. I am hoping to get some more time on it this weekend, but we'll have to see. It's still an extremely enjoyable, chill-out game though. And the visual style is just stunning.

If you're on the fence about getting it, I can't recommend it enough. It's laid back but there's enough to keep you busy.
I have been playing this past few days. Been having a blast until yesterday where I have been slightly let down with the vehicles. They may be really useful a little later on but I tried using one to dig to the centre of the planet (first planet). It digs so fast and the camera makes it really hard to see where you're going, so you can't stop yourself before you drop into a massive cave. Was quite fun though rescuing it I guess. But am now digging to the bottom by hand, which sucks :(
Anyone up for having a few co-op games of this sometime? I can normally only play fairly late at night, after about 21:00 UK time, so I'm a bit limited, but this game is loads of fun co-op!
Is anyone playing this at the moment? It has come along leaps and bounds recently. The latest exploration update has added jetpacks which are absolutely amazing for getting around planets fast. They use hydrazine, you can equip one or two (only one is needed on one of the side attachments on your pack) and if you use two the speed doubles, but you obviously burn the hydrazine far quicker.

I'm loving how well they've polished everything up. Making the materials for the jetpacks and the RTG power sources was a load of fun because I had to go to several different planets first just to get the correct materials, and then had to create advanced materials using the Chemistry Lab. I've also watched a bunch of their VLOGs that are on Youtube and it impresses me how dedicated they are to the continued improvement to the game. For the £7.49 I paid for the game a few years ago, I've had my money's worth ten times over tbh!

It really surprises me at just how little people are talking about this game. It's a wonderfully relaxing game to chill-out to. Playing this whilst watching videos on Youtube or whatever is just perfect, and the way all the systems work together is amazing. I built myself a field-shelter and it had everything needed for a mini-base. Oxygen, power, and a socket for putting an additional power source on it. The way things packup (using the packager for Graphite is awesome) is brilliant, so you can take things with you to other planets once you've built them elsewhere. The whole game has been really well thought-out. It puts many games released these days to shame.
The problem for Astroneer is that it came off the back of NMS's failure. What they didn't predict was that NMS would be completed in the following years and then get some nifty features like VR and graphical enhancements etc., right at the time when Astroneer was fully released. By which time people were tired of the whole lot, playing ED or waiting to see if SC would ever be finished. I may play this if it can be picked up cheaply in a sale, but I am currently burnt out by the whole genre.
The problem for Astroneer is that it came off the back of NMS's failure. What they didn't predict was that NMS would be completed in the following years and then get some nifty features like VR and graphical enhancements etc., right at the time when Astroneer was fully released. By which time people were tired of the whole lot, playing ED or waiting to see if SC would ever be finished. I may play this if it can be picked up cheaply in a sale, but I am currently burnt out by the whole genre.

If you're looking to try it out on the cheap, its on the MS gamepass
The problem for Astroneer is that it came off the back of NMS's failure. What they didn't predict was that NMS would be completed in the following years and then get some nifty features like VR and graphical enhancements etc., right at the time when Astroneer was fully released. By which time people were tired of the whole lot, playing ED or waiting to see if SC would ever be finished. I may play this if it can be picked up cheaply in a sale, but I am currently burnt out by the whole genre.

I don't really see them as comparable games. Sure, they're set in space, and sure, there's terraforming, base building and exploration, but they work differently. I'd say Astroneer is more a game that you can chillout to, whereas NMS is a bit more serious. ED is obviously even more serious. Astroneer definitely doesn't take itself seriously as a game, but there's so much to it now and it's loads of fun to play for 20 minutes or so.
Rather late to the Astroneer party, but I’m really enjoying this.

Have made a few mistakes so far. I tunnelled my shiny new Larger Rover to the core of the starter planet without doing any of the required steps and got stuck there. I landed on the radiated planet to gather methane and built my base next to the rocket plant and lost the lot in under 30 seconds.
Years late but I finally started Astroneer, after owning it for a good while. I saw it had come out on Switch, and it reminded me to play.

1 hour or so of utter confusion, but starting to get the hang of it now I'm a few hours in.
I'd been collecting stuff, and building things but didn't know what to do next... Then I realised I needed to spend the research points. :| For some reason I'd just assumed things got unlocked along the way.

Playing with a 360 controller, and it's still catching me out every so often. Still, it's good fun and what I was looking for at the moment.

Is there an end to this game?
I really enjoyed it keyboard/mouse, not sure it would be anywhere near as much fun on controller tbh.

End game - don't think there really is one, don't want to spoil it by saying but basically it's done when you decide it's done in many ways, bit like minecraft or when you've made such an utter mess of the planets that you haven't much choice :D
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