Asus Aspire One D255

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area

Just purchased the above netbook, and it comes with Andoid Instant-On but I am having a few issues with it.

I have setup the Acer Config manager for Android with the correct info, but whenever I boot to Android it just tells me I can't connect.
ok, came home and connected to my router via wifi and the android system, works to a point, although it basic and some functions don't work. For instance it has the ability to send messages, i think sms messages as it is the same as my phone. Although this has no way of fitting a 3G card.

My main problem is that although I have removed all the extra software, games, office, anitvirus etc it still seems limited. For instance I can't even change the desktop image.

So, is it easy to upgrade from Windows 7 starter to win 7 home? what about drivers? and what about the android instant on stuff?

Any good links or guides for rebuilding and modifying netbooks?

Hope one of you boffins can help!
There are plenty of apps around for changing the background on Win 7 starter. Can't remember what the one I'm using on my netbook is called, I'll have a look tomorrow.
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