Asus P8P67 won't POST :(

you think that ocuk would do some investigating by now with a lot of ppl having problems with these asus boards,they must have direct contact with asus or a rep to see if there is a fix,and i,m surprised they have not stopped selling the boards till they get some info.

OC UK have indicated on another post that Asus were made aware of customer problems. They did not state that they made Asus aware though. Also stated that the problems were in the low percentage. This I would doubt as the bios is the problem and therefore makes they whole thing a lottery.

Cmos clear jumper and bios battery removal is all that Asus offer as a solution' many members on this board suggest this too as it has worked for them. Worth a try not gonna make much difference though if the bios cant deal with Ram clocking above 1333.
The choice you have is RMA it and hope other boards have less issues, or hold out for a month or so till Asus decide they rushed out a very poor product and sneak out a decent bios update. At the moment the updated bios available are at best slightly better than useless the one shipped with the board is in fact useless. Also OCUK will continue to sell the board like all other online sellers as it has not been officially pronounced useless. If it is a bios issue and IMO it is (I have been building these things over 30 years) then a decent update will fix the problems so OCUK would not stop selling something which would be fixed by a bios update. Like all boards there will be revision 2,3 etc until in about 6 months it will be a solid working unit. Just now as the technology has taking a big swing they rushed out a very poor bios the board is probably really good but the bios is hindering it. Asus worked hand in hand with Intel so there is no real excuse for such a pathetic bios even though the bios is a complete change from the one most people know. Gigabyte stuck with the old bios and will change in the future but they also have issues (not as many as Asus). I eventually bought a gigabyte UD5 it works so thats fine. It will probably give me problems too at some stage this being the nature of new technology but at least it posts.
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Hello new hardware - here's hoping that it's plain sailing... touch wood...

Steve be careful mate, this board is a bit stubborn...
Todge, all I did was change i5 2500k turbo clocks to 4.2 and Geil rams from 1333mhz to 1600mhz.
There is just blank screen, OP hopefully my nooby questions will benefit others, so am I able to flash bios via usb?
I'm going to try barebones, switch gpu pcie slot, take out optical, harddrive, 1 ram.
I'll be back.
I’ve been ok with my board so far at stock settings. If all is left at stock setting and auto it will be fine and boot up ok.

But once you start to overclock and change settings it fails. It’s a BIOS problem or factory error with the CMOS. Asus has still to say anything about since I think they don’t read their own forum. Hope Asus know about and are trying to fix it. It’s a big mess up on their part.

I think there will be a new BIOS update that fixes it, but in mean time people will have to read forums and try out fixes that may or may not work for them. But most none-techy people will just return them.

With my board I’ve had cold boot problems with my RAM (Patriot Viper Xtreme 8GB (2x4GB) PC3-16000C9 2000MHz) if set as XMP profile or manually configured. It will not boot with DRAM LED on and just says “overclock fail”, reboots and sets the BIOS to defaults. But with a warm boot it works fine XMP profile or manually configured.

As Bito and others say, I’d clear the CLEAR CMOS RTC, which was recommended on Asus forums aswell ( – see post #27). I did this last night and did 4 cold boots and all is fine with XMP profile and everything else set to auto. I can overclock CPU fine too, but due to me having a stock cooler it’s not worth it as temps are too high.

So if anyone’s got problems try and CLEAR CMOS RTC and see that works, worked for me. If not RMA or return it to shop for another one or other make.
Well I have a P8P67 and have had no issues of note so it cannot be the BIOS... at first I was having no POST problems but that turned out to be my graphics card which has gone back to ocUK for RMA.

With a different graphics card I was able to try and overclock my CPU to 4.6, 4.5, 4.4 which failed but managed 4.3 10 hours Prime small fft stable.

I have 1333mhz RAM and I too tried to set it to 1600 (to see if it would overclock) and that resulted in a NO POST, after a few power cycles it came back and said overclocking failed press F1.

I do not know if I have to raise the memory voltage a bit to force it to run at 1600mhz or it just will not overclock that fast, not too bothered at the moment tbh.

I find the Asus board to be rather good actually.
Still 50 - 50 whether to buy the P8P67 Deluxe and the 2600k. Glad to see that some have got theirs posting though.

Is this just with the Pro boards though? Only heard a few problems with the Deluxe? Then again there all the same.
Still 50 - 50 whether to buy the P8P67 Deluxe and the 2600k. Glad to see that some have got theirs posting though.

Is this just with the Pro boards though? Only heard a few problems with the Deluxe? Then again there all the same.

I think it again comes down to the sheer volume of the PRO boards being sold... I'm quietly dreading plugging mine in for the first time but I think I will just make sure I follow the path of those that know and do the CLRTC and make sure I put my memory into A1 and B1 from the start. See what happens from there I guess.

I'm hoping that the pattern doesn't lean toward ATI video cards being a contributing factor also. I'll comment either way as it's good to know the positives as well as the negatives IMO.
Well I have a P8P67 and have had no issues of note so it cannot be the BIOS... at first I was having no POST problems but that turned out to be my graphics card which has gone back to ocUK for RMA.

Just because certain people dont see the error doesnt mean it exists. Software is a funny thing.

I think this is because Asus have sold a lot more boards than any other manufacture. Im pretty sure a BIOS fix will resolve most issues.
I think it again comes down to the sheer volume of the PRO boards being sold... I'm quietly dreading plugging mine in for the first time but I think I will just make sure I follow the path of those that know and do the CLRTC and make sure I put my memory into A1 and B1 from the start. See what happens from there I guess.

I'm hoping that the pattern doesn't lean toward ATI video cards being a contributing factor also. I'll comment either way as it's good to know the positives as well as the negatives IMO.

I do not think ATI Graphics cards have anything to do with it, while my faulty graphics card was an ATI MSI Radeon 5850 1GB Twin Frozr II I tried it in another PC with a Gigabyte X58 board and it failed to run properly in there and I tried an ATI HIS Radeon 6970 from the X58 machine in my P8P67 and it ran fine.
I think it again comes down to the sheer volume of the PRO boards being sold... I'm quietly dreading plugging mine in for the first time but I think I will just make sure I follow the path of those that know and do the CLRTC and make sure I put my memory into A1 and B1 from the start. See what happens from there I guess.

I'm hoping that the pattern doesn't lean toward ATI video cards being a contributing factor also. I'll comment either way as it's good to know the positives as well as the negatives IMO.

Hope it goes ok for you mate, let us all know how you get on. I too would follow the above steps, still thinking of buying and just doing that as i just dont want to wait.

Im thinking of using some Corsair dominator Ram though 1600MHz 6 GB Tripple channel kit. Do you think that would be ok with this board, as they say only put it certain slots?

I do not think ATI Graphics cards have anything to do with it, while my faulty graphics card was an ATI MSI Radeon 5850 1GB Twin Frozr II I tried it in another PC with a Gigabyte X58 board and it failed to run properly in there and I tried an ATI HIS Radeon 6970 from the X58 machine in my P8P67 and it ran fine.

Hmm - I'm running a Sapphire 5850 1GB so fingers crossed...

You know I suspect I'm getting worried over nothing but better to be prepared I guess.
Neil i see you got your board to post again. It seems you also tried to up your ram speeds to 1600mhz. I did the same, but my mobo wont post. What do you mean by 'power cycles'? and in a little more detail can you tell us what you did?
Neil i see you got your board to post again. It seems you also tried to up your ram speeds to 1600mhz. I did the same, but my mobo wont post. What do you mean by 'power cycles'? and in a little more detail can you tell us what you did?

I would approach a 'power cycle' as actually turning the machine off and back on again as opposed to a warm reset.
Well I have a P8P67 and have had no issues of note so it cannot be the BIOS... at first I was having no POST problems but that turned out to be my graphics card which has gone back to ocUK for RMA.

With a different graphics card I was able to try and overclock my CPU to 4.6, 4.5, 4.4 which failed but managed 4.3 10 hours Prime small fft stable.

I have 1333mhz RAM and I too tried to set it to 1600 (to see if it would overclock) and that resulted in a NO POST, after a few power cycles it came back and said overclocking failed press F1.

I do not know if I have to raise the memory voltage a bit to force it to run at 1600mhz or it just will not overclock that fast, not too bothered at the moment tbh.

I find the Asus board to be rather good actually.

So you say you have no issues of note so can't be the BIOS and then you go on to report the exact same issue that plagues all of these Asus boards?

It had better be a BIOS issue otherwise some of these boards are faulty and need returned. The Asus forums are full of people having this exact issue.

Maybe your ok with paying for memory and then not being able to run it at the correct settings. I'm not.

Some of these boards clearly have a problem with trying to run memory at 1600 so there is an issue which needs to be addressed.

I had no problems on first boot or installing Windows. Only when I try to set the memory correctly do I encounter any problems. I'm selecting the XML profile as per Asus guidelines an have no issues when doing a re-start. Cold boot is where the issues appear so something definetley wrong with the board or the BIOS.
I find the Asus board to be rather good actually.

I agree, for me, the Asus P8P67 Pro has been a great board.

However... If I were suffering like many of you are I would be, to say the least, disapointed. There is nothing worse than spending hundreds of pounds, getting expectant of delivery, excited at opening your new boxes and then to find it will not work.

What I find so odd is that there does not seem to be an obvious link between issues... some people with the same ram are ok, while others have terrible trouble.

I would just like to say that if you are having troubles and can manage to work though them the Asus board and the windows software is excellent.

Reading these threads makes me really feel bad for you all and I sincerely hope you get things sorted out soon. If anyone is somerset way and suffering, I would be glad to try and help.
What I find so odd is that there does not seem to be an obvious link between issues... some people with the same ram are ok, while others have terrible trouble.

Maybe a new thread specifically for the boot/POST issues so many are having, myself included, that ONLY specifies you're CPU, Mem, GPU, BIOS and PSU etc that you are using with the Asus P8P67 Pro to try and find something common to all?

I now have an MSI P67A-GD65 and apart from a clunky EFI interface its spot on, no problem whatsoever, its the only thing thats changed since getting SB
Maybe a new thread specifically for the boot/POST issues so many are having, myself included, that ONLY specifies you're CPU, Mem, GPU, BIOS and PSU etc that you are using with the Asus P8P67 Pro to try and find something common to all?

I now have an MSI P67A-GD65 and apart from a clunky EFI interface its spot on, no problem whatsoever, its the only thing thats changed since getting SB

Good idea Rust and it should be a sticky too. :D
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