Asus X99-S Error Codes 00 and 53

1 May 2022
I have been trying to fix this system for over 3 months now and I am officially out of ideas.

Originally the system was an i7 5930k on an MSI X99A and then it died (it's a friends system so no idea what happened running up to it dying)

I got another i7 5930k to test it and neither of them even give an error code. When the power button is pressed the PSU makes a click and then nothing happens.

I then bought an Asus X99-S as I thought that It must have been the mobo, one of the CPUs returns an 53 error code and the other a 00 error code. As both of these are memory issues I tried the memory in another system and it works fine.

I have checked every memory slot, cleared the CMOS, used MemOK.

I have no idea what to do next short of chucking it all.
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