At 0015, on Sunday....

dirtydog said:
There are still more births than deaths in the UK.

We need to stop rewarding people for having kids for a start, limit benefits to jobless parents to one or two kids.

yea and old people are living for too long. we need a cull :p
Haly said:
Sorry mate but I don't think I've had that feeling before :p Maybe if I keep working in retail for a bit longer I will :D

ahaha, yea. come to think of it, before i started working at phones4u, i was very amiable. step away from the phones!! :D
Mohinder said:
I have the same thought sometimes.

I'll see some person, take in instant dislike to them, and then for the rest of the journey/queue/walk/whatever I fantasise about them doing something that gives me an excuse to stab them in the neck with the nearest point object.

/Steadily turns away and begins to run.
Mohinder said:
I have the same thought sometimes.

I'll see some person, take in instant dislike to them, and then for the rest of the journey/queue/walk/whatever I fantasise about them doing something that gives me an excuse to stab them in the neck with the nearest point object.

/me backs away, verrrrry slowly.
Mohinder said:
I have the same thought sometimes.

I'll see some person, take in instant dislike to them, and then for the rest of the journey/queue/walk/whatever I fantasise about them doing something that gives me an excuse to stab them in the neck with the nearest point object.

Do it then blame it on GTA or WoW, its not your fault, we all understand.

My idea would be to reinstate the 11+ Educate the bright, we sterilise the thick. Benefit the entire human race.
Mohinder said:
I have the same thought sometimes.

I'll see some person, take in instant dislike to them, and then for the rest of the journey/queue/walk/whatever I fantasise about them doing something that gives me an excuse to stab them in the neck with the nearest point object.

I do that too!
Haly said:
Sorry mate but I don't think I've had that feeling before :p Maybe if I keep working in retail for a bit longer I will :D

Trust me, you will.

The only time I've ever had murderous urges was when working in a builders merchants trying to explain to some halfwit DIYer that what he/she was asking was an impossibility only to be met with "they did it on that programme with <insert z-list home improvement celeb here>".
I thought many times, that it would be easier throttling them than trying to make them see sense :p

Stan :)
The only real answer is Billy Connellys idea....Cannibalism!!

You eat someone i dont like, and i'll eat someone you dont like....thats the population halved over night!

Then we'll eat the unemployed...another problem gone!

Over crowded prisons? We'll eat them too!

Then the homeless!

...then we'll realise "wait they could have lived in the empty prisons!"

The only problem with eugenics is that we might eliminate the next Stephen Hawking or Beethoven.

Give it another 100 years and the population of Europe (and everywhere else) will probably be a nice even yellowy-brown shade. Speaking of which; CLAWS, your gf is gorgeous!
My first child is on the way. I intend to have another after that, then I'll probably get the snip. I don't think anyone in this country should have more than 2 children.

The developing world is a harder place to sort out.

The real problem is the crazily overcrowded places like China. What the hell are they supposed to do about that?
vonhelmet said:
The real problem is the crazily overcrowded places like China. What the hell are they supposed to do about that?

You do realise England is far more densely populated than China... yet we actually reward people for having as many kids as possible. Of course our government only cares about maximising economic growth and tax revenue rather than being bothered about us all living like sardines in a can.
surely it'll be a long time before it's that bad.

although i do agree, and was saying only yesterday, that it's utterly moronic that some people are rewarded this way. there was that woman in the paper who had 13 kids, no job, council house and took home £28k p.a. ridiculous. i'm fairly sure i'll never be that well off, and all she had to do was have some kids.
Sic said:
surely it'll be a long time before it's that bad.

although i do agree, and was saying only yesterday, that it's utterly moronic that some people are rewarded this way. there was that woman in the paper who had 13 kids, no job, council house and took home £28k p.a. ridiculous. i'm fairly sure i'll never be that well off, and all she had to do was have some kids.

Was that in the Mail? I believe she owns her house because she was left it as an inheritance, but she wants more kids so that the council will supposedly have to give her a six bedroom house or something ridiculous.

IIRC the £28k was tax free too? So it'd probably have to be what, £40k? if she went out and earned it gross. She should have been sterilised after the first two IMHO - I'm quite serious.
yeah, i think it was the mail. not a regular mail reader but i glossed over that with the typical daily mail reader response. i was bloody disgusted. my cousin is just the same, and i'm so ashamed of her. she has an awesome 4 bedroomed council house in a really nice area round here, 3 kids and just under 20k. and all you've got to do is know what forms to fill out. makes me feel like a mug for earning an honest living. (although, technically i should be making that living now instead of bitching about having to do it, but we've all got to have our outlets!)
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