At last...



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%

Im in the L club!

Just a stopgap until I can find somewhere to look at and then buy the 300mm F/4 IS. Canon seem to be quoting late August/ September for fulfilling back orders - I want to physically hold one etc before I buy one, Im odd like that...

I am so impressed I am a bit worried this might not turn out to be a stopgap though :p
Lovely lens mate. Is that the F/4? F/2.8? or F/2.8IS?

Can I ask you how much you paid for it? Got any test shots at the moment?

Also loving the Bokeh on tht 50mm F/1.8 that you shot the image with :)

DRZ said:
Im in the L club!

Just a stopgap until I can find somewhere to look at and then buy the 300mm F/4 IS. Canon seem to be quoting late August/ September for fulfilling back orders - I want to physically hold one etc before I buy one, Im odd like that...

I am so impressed I am a bit worried this might not turn out to be a stopgap though :p

You know you made the right choice dude!

Bringing it out to play tomorrow?

Blackvault said:
Lovely lens mate. Is that the F/4? F/2.8? or F/2.8IS?

Can I ask you how much you paid for it? Got any test shots at the moment?

Also loving the Bokeh on tht 50mm F/1.8 that you shot the image with :)


Its the 70-200 F4


PS heres a shot from one MASSSIVE PIC
It is indeed the F/4. I am allergic to HK imports at the moment so I paid a bit under £500 for it, which is the going rate really.

Have a sample from today, which was taken in horrible overcast/rainy light:

:D Probably not, no :D

I have been bitten by something and have had an allergic reaction to it. Over the past 2-3 days it has gone from being a small, normal bite to my whole leg below the knee being swollen up and it is getting too painful to walk on (I just gritted my teeth today :mad:)

I am determined to make it tomorrow so if it doesnt ease off before bed I will head over to the out of hours GP or something and see what they can do for me...
I am determined to make it tomorrow so if it doesnt ease off before bed I will head over to the out of hours GP or something and see what they can do for me...

Sounds like you should defo go to the doctors mate. My workmate's mum was bitten by something mysterious on the ankle in her garden the other day. A weird red line travelled up her leg to her knee so she went to the docs. The GP said it was the third he'd seen like it that day, and prescribed her some antibiotics. She took the pills and the weirdness disappeared!

It may/may not be the same thing, but get it checked out anyhow.

Back on topic:

Nice lens :D


Looks like your camera date settings are out ;)
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mmmmm nice lens. i quite fancy one. decently priced for what seems like an excellent lens.
Damn thats nice. Should I be jealous considering I have the 100-400? I mean, that looks pretty damn fantastic. :)
Blackvault said:
How could you tell? Was it the hood?


<lens geek>

The main differences are that the 2.8 is a much thicker lens, the 4 is diminutive in comparison. The 2.8 versions have a petal hood. Also the way to tell the IS version (apart from the gold Image Stabilizer lettering) is that it has an extra two switches on the side.

</lens geek>

Nice lens. Now go take some pictures.
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