Definitely having me one of those, may be a bit of a sideways step from a 580 but bugger it i've wanted go to back to ATi(amd) for ages. I always buy the fastest card available to me no matter what the manufacturer but i can't help but prefer ATI somewhat :D

EDIT: Gibbo/any other ocuk employee, can you please tell me if the nonstandard cooler models are any quieter than the standard? ta (Namely this one: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-154-PC&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1673)
Mr BIOS I'd be interested to know your reasoning, not trolling just interested, I came from a 5870 crossfire and hated the damn thing since I had so many driver issues (bought an eyefinity setup and everything) and swore I'd never go AMD/ATi again. Has anything changed in the interim?
Mr BIOS I'd be interested to know your reasoning, not trolling just interested, I came from a 5870 crossfire and hated the damn thing since I had so many driver issues (bought an eyefinity setup and everything) and swore I'd never go AMD/ATi again. Has anything changed in the interim?
To be fair, i've always avoided crossfire and SLI like the plague purely for driver reasons. SLI is probably the better of the two due to being around longer and maybe maturing better, i'll likely not look to crossfire or SLI any time in the foreseeable future.

To be honest i'm not sure why, I think i'm just unlucky with nvidia cards, had no end of issues when i bought my first 580 (dodgy memory) followed by strange problems between it and my hazro monitor. Plus the final reason for moving is the 3GB memory, i game at 2560x1440 so should give a bit of head room there :)

The only thing i'm afraid of is noise, i'd like something on par with the MSI Frozr 2 GTX580 in noise terms, heard the reference cooler on the 7xxx series is damn loud.
Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 7950 OC 3072MB PCI-Express Graphics Card (11196-02-40G) @ £399.95 inc VAT

Would have bought this if only the PCB was black! dam you sapphire...
The Gigabyte one looks yummy. So does the Sapphire one with the double cooler. The rest are meh. Although, to be honest, if I was spending close to £400 on a gpu I would fork out a bit more and get a 7970.
Saw a TTL review on these cards and once overclocked they give a better performance than a stock 7970! Going to be interesting to see what nVidia bring out (I just wish they would get a move on sick of reading rumours everywhere).

I don't think Nvida will bring them out at the end of this month... I wish they would hurry up too.

If you need/want to upgrade now than do so.

I m building a new rig in march, if Nvida isnt about than I may well go back to AMD, or get a 580/570.
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