
Looks like my cup of tea. As mentioned by mrk, Stalker in the lake district.

Hope I have got a new graphics card by then
Mine too, really liking the look of this.
I'm hoping to have some more GPU horsepower soon with all the announcements.
Seems like a strange topic. A nuclear disaster that didn't happen.
I mean, don't get me wrong, there was a fire, but it wasn't too bad. The Titanic was worse.
Certainly not on the scale of Chernobyl, and no deaths directly related to it, but at the time this would have been big news (1957) and the scale of the disaster were heavily downplayed with previous incidents being covered up. The fire burned for a number of days with radioactive fallout across the UK and large part of Europe spreading particles that could bring about cancer or the like.

Certainly something you could use to build a good story, it's going to be interesting to see where they take this, government coverup or an act by an outside party. I think the graphic/art style looks interesting and from what we've seen so far makes good use of colours rather than the drab dark tones we see in a lot of games. And the weapons could be interesting, certainly looks like the condition of the weapon will play some sort of part along with crafted weapons. Although they're taking inspiration from many games one they said they'd taken inspiration from was Fallout making me wonder how strong an RPG influence they will have in the game.
Certainly not on the scale of Chernobyl, and no deaths directly related to it, but at the time this would have been big news (1957) and the scale of the disaster were heavily downplayed with previous incidents being covered up. The fire burned for a number of days with radioactive fallout across the UK and large part of Europe spreading particles that could bring about cancer or the like.

Certainly something you could use to build a good story, it's going to be interesting to see where they take this, government coverup or an act by an outside party. I think the graphic/art style looks interesting and from what we've seen so far makes good use of colours rather than the drab dark tones we see in a lot of games. And the weapons could be interesting, certainly looks like the condition of the weapon will play some sort of part along with crafted weapons. Although they're taking inspiration from many games one they said they'd taken inspiration from was Fallout making me wonder how strong an RPG influence they will have in the game.

I remember one of the scientists saying he found small lumps of uranium in his back garden - :cry:
Looks like Fallout meets Dying Light.
Meets the Wicker Man (1973).

Love the review for the 2006 version
Is The Wicker Man 2006 funny?
As a horror movie, its a 1 out of 10, but as a Comedy, its at least an 8 out of 10. Nicolas Cage's character had me in stitches in so many places, because his acting in this movie is SO bad its hilarious! The last 30 minutes of the movie is pure gold!
Certainly not on the scale of Chernobyl, and no deaths directly related to it, but at the time this would have been big news (1957) and the scale of the disaster were heavily downplayed with previous incidents being covered up. The fire burned for a number of days with radioactive fallout across the UK and large part of Europe spreading particles that could bring about cancer or the like.

Certainly something you could use to build a good story, it's going to be interesting to see where they take this, government coverup or an act by an outside party. I think the graphic/art style looks interesting and from what we've seen so far makes good use of colours rather than the drab dark tones we see in a lot of games. And the weapons could be interesting, certainly looks like the condition of the weapon will play some sort of part along with crafted weapons. Although they're taking inspiration from many games one they said they'd taken inspiration from was Fallout making me wonder how strong an RPG influence they will have in the game.
I have actually been inside the Windscale Pile building itself and looked at the fire affected zone myself, its a pretty amazing place to be. The hoist lift they used to traverse the front face of the core came from a decommissioned ww2 aircraft carrier lift i believe! Even stood on top of the core where some of the hatches were that could have been opened to look down at the fire.

Looks an interesting game though, has piqued mu interest.
Been a bit out of touch with games for a while but since Stalker 2 came out I've been paying a bit more attention. Can't see anyone here talking about this upcoming title from Rebellion. I've been watching youtube video previews and piqued my interest. Seems to be a Fallout type game set in northern England and based around an alternative history of the Windscale plant incident. Looks like an interesting setting and seems to have some unusual gameplay mechanics. Comes out March 27th - anyone got any thoughts?
Seems interesting and been following our a little while. IIRC one of the devs suggested there could be about 15 to 20 plus hpyrs of gameplay.? Perhaps that can reflect how you play.
Something about them also trying some experimental gameing features, in terms of story progression and what you will, or not, interact with depending on your choices.

Reminds me a little of We happy Few (?) and Fallout London, without the longevity of the latter.
Day one game pass I believe.
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Yeah been following this for a while, definitely of interest to me! I am often in that part of the world too so should be fun.
Fallout: Carlisle! I’ll be getting this but not straight away as I’ve other games to play first

Edit: I’m sure I’ve used that Fallout: Carlisle joke on here before…
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