Aulterra Whole House USB EMF 5G radiation neutralizer

26 Aug 2022
I posted this in another thread and someone suggested sending it to Big Clive for analysis but he probably has hundreds of requests, so why not post here?

Back story:
Over the last few years my mum has descended into the QAnon rabbit hole. She’s really unwell and any attempts by me or my siblings to help her out of it only serve to push her deeper into it. By all means have a laugh, but please remember that whilst these things are ridiculous on so many fronts, there are sick vulnerable people being taken advantage of.

I got this as a birthday gift because my house needs to be “cleansed”. She paid over £500 for a multi pack of these USB devices and stickers that go onto phones among other things.

Perhaps the electronically minded people here can give me an insight into what exactly this thing is so that I can attempt to explain to mum why it’s a scam.

Here it is…






It looks like they've reused a PCB, removed some of the solder mask on one side, stuck the supposed IC on it and connected it to some of the tracks.
I'd be surprised if it did anything other than power the LED (not that i would plug it in to anything) but it would be interesting to see if some of the coating on the "IC" could be carefully removed/scratched off to reveal what's underneath as it looks like it could be transparent from the edges :confused:
Unable to find what the "AB5-18" PCB is.

I think this is e-waste. Protects you against "potentially" harmful EMF. That's how they get away with it.

Everything has potential to harm you.
Astonishing that they are allowed to sell this utter crud. Surely they fall foul of some law. Though I guess homeopathy is still ongoing...
Sell where? Online grey market sellers fly under the radar of UK law and EU standards by importing direct from china tons of utter crud for sale some of it potentially dangerous i.e. exploding batteries, charging units that catch fire...
That just looks like a usb storage key

Probably got some malware on there too
I’m curious to know if it was a storage device with malware!

I would not be plugging that into my computer, for all you know, it's a keylogger and remote update anything to a server!

If you are going to plug it into anything, just a plain power adaptor.
I won’t be plugging this into anything.

i think the op has to face the reality that his mum has gone full on, 100% bat **** crazy. time for an intervention, or cut her out of your life.
Yeah I fear you are right but as hard as it is on everyone we’re not ready to give up on her yet.

It looks like they've reused a PCB, removed some of the solder mask on one side, stuck the supposed IC on it and connected it to some of the tracks.
I'd be surprised if it did anything other than power the LED (not that i would plug it in to anything) but it would be interesting to see if some of the coating on the "IC" could be carefully removed/scratched off to reveal what's underneath as it looks like it could be transparent from the edges :confused:
Do you mean the dark shiny coating? I could try to scrape it off.

There's a USA patent number there but it looks like it's not complete. What does the patent say?

It is complete.

Reading it now, this'll be a giggle.
I’ve skim read it just now. It seems to elaborate on cell phone radiation being bad, and then details some research on paramagnetic materials (it doesn’t say which ones), but I cannot see where it explains how this device brings those two things together to offer protection. A bit of good old fashioned bootstrapping there.

I still think you should send this to Big Clive.
I would really want to get a detailed answer on how exactly this is snake oil so maybe I will. Wonder if he would be interested?
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