Austrailia bans the light bulb

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Now usually I'm not one for banning things or restricting ones access on items. So you might find this surprising that I like this idea, especially as I see global warming as nothing more than media hype.

I really do think we need to cut power usage or at least slow it down, so we don't pump billions of Pounds out of the country importing foreign fuel. Now a ban is a bit OTT in my opinion but taxing them and subsidising energy inefficient bulbs would be a great compromise. As would a law on banning excessive packaging

Australia pulls plug on old bulbs
Light bulb
Ban the bulb? Australia plans to switch to fluorescent light by 2010
Australia has announced plans to ban incandescent light bulbs and replace them with more energy efficient fluorescent bulbs.
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Where is the link?

I see global warming as a real problem, and a banning of small things like this will help. Lets hope the rest of the world follow their lead.
As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I think a ban is taking it a bit far. There are certain situations when energy saving bulbs just aren’t suitable because they can’t dim and take a while to light up.
PhilthyPhil said:
As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I think a ban is taking it a bit far. There are certain situations when energy saving bulbs just aren’t suitable because they can’t dim and take a while to light up.
I agree, I think normal light bulbs should be taxed more, whilst subsidising energy effceint light bulbs. That way you can still use them if you want.
Arsey said:
Where is the link?

I see global warming as a real problem, and a banning of small things like this will help. Lets hope the rest of the world follow their lead.
Are there any decent alternatives though?

The efficient bulbs that I've tried recently have all been rated as the equivalent to a 100W bulb, what a joke. These things are the ****, they look dimmer than the 60W bulbs they were meant to replace and so I binned them.

Fluorescent strip lighting is good but they're not the most attractive option.

I only hope a move like this will mean someone brings a better alternative out.
Arsey said:
What about LED lights? They require a lot more LED's for the same light but I think they are still cheaper to run.

Led's are stupidly efficient. even better than energy saving light bulbs despite the extra led's. Only problem is there hasn't been much investment yet and as such is very few options.
AcidHell2 said:
Led's are stupidly efficient. even better than energy saving light bulbs despite the extra led's. Only problem is there hasn't been much investment yet and as such is very few options.
Sums it up quite nicely, I think. You can get LED bulbs now, obviously, but for general use they're not brilliant - a very concentrated beam that's not much good for lighting a room in my experience.
PhilthyPhil said:
As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I think a ban is taking it a bit far. There are certain situations when energy saving bulbs just aren’t suitable because they can’t dim and take a while to light up.

Didn't realise they can't dim but it only takes 15-20 sec to properly light up in my experience. Got my whole place kitted out with them and have seen a drop in my electricity bill
Mmmm I think banning them is a little over the top.

In our house the energy saving / old type bulbs are about 50/50.

We have the old ones in the big rooms where the light needs to be good and the energy saving ones in other places utility room, under the stairs, wherever.

The energy saving ones we have are just not up to the job. They are fine in rooms where they are not over used but I couldnt be doing with them in a living room/kitchen/dining room or bedroom and so on. They take a while to warm up and the light quality isnt as good.
You can get LED clusters that fit into "hallogen" spot light sockets now. A very good alternative in my experience.
So they're banning lightbulbs but they're one of the few Countries who didnt sign Kyoto.

Just another example of the smoke and mirrors politics that they're very good at. Just as clever as complaining about the yanks pulling troops out of Iraq while they only contribute a pathetic 1,400 of their own.
Rosbif said:
So they're banning lightbulbs but they're one of the few Countries who didnt sign Kyoto.

Just another example of the smoke and mirrors politics that they're very good at. Just as clever as complaining about the yanks pulling troops out of Iraq while they only contribute a pathetic 1,400 of their own.

as if kyoto wasn't a pile of crap anyway!

and I'm Glad they didn't send more troops, shouldn't have sent ANY tbh.

Austrailia seems to have the right idea with most things now.
Rosbif said:
So they're banning lightbulbs but they're one of the few Countries who didnt sign Kyoto.

Just another example of the smoke and mirrors politics that they're very good at. Just as clever as complaining about the yanks pulling troops out of Iraq while they only contribute a pathetic 1,400 of their own.

That's their entire armed forces! The rest are all barbecuing! :eek: :D

I have found most LED lighting to give a dispersed soft lighting rather than a focused beam. Generally speaking they aren't up to the job of lighting a whole room but I am trying to convince my parents that they would be great in rooms where a small sun hanging from the ceiling isn't required, such as the spare room, conservatory, bathroom and maybe even their own bedroom.

The rest of the house is all energy-saving bulbs bar the 2 or 3 halogen spot lights we have. In fact I can't remember the last time we had a standard bulb in our house... even the sheds have energy saving bulbs :D
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