Australia and Cars

Convenience. Didn't want the hassle of parking a rental car in the big cities - I was in Sydney for 4 days and parking was a good $20 a day... plus $50-60 a day for a car I wasnt driving. So I rented between the cities.
Ah the mitsubishi eclipse. They love them over there ! and as you say they love their jap junk over there. They get the JDM spec imprezas too, my uncle had a jap spec WRX in the days when we only got the UK turbos.

Didn't see a single Mitsubishi Eclipse. Thought they were for the USDM?
It seems a lot more laid back and a lot less red tape (Except for motoring, where there is lots of it*). As you drive into Cairns, you run alongside the railway line for a bit. It is unfenced. No signs, no fences, just a railway line about 20 feet away from the road seperate only by some grass. People just seem to know that if they stand there, a train will squash them. Here, there would be a 10 foot high fence with razor wire.

A lot of it I think is because of the weather - it relaxes people, it chills them out, you can't get too hot headed because its often too warm to get into a fuss about nothing. Many of the people I met were very friendly and approachable, but there was still the fair share of rude people.

*OMG @ Parking. They have the most complex parking spaces ever. You can't just find a space and park in it. You need to read the signs to find out which way to park your car. It'll be either nose in, or tail in. And OMG, a fine if you get it wrong, because hey guys, this is serious business. And there is no pattern to it. In Hay, a guy had an annurism because I parked nose in. On an empty street. At 9pm at night. In Bathurst, 400km down the road, you've got to park tail in. In another town half the spaces were nose in and half were tail in. Then once you've mastered that you need to realise that you can only park on the left hand side of the road - so you can't drive across traffic to park in a space. I got that one wrong as well. You park in the direction of travel otherwise I presume small children die or something.
Not the XR8 ?

XR8 and the XR6 Turbo are the same price and roughly the same performance.

After the lap I wanted to take some shots around the track so I decided to walk around it all, it's a few KM's but it's well worth it.

I took 25 minutes to do one of the laps as I stopped for Photos all the way around :)

One question though, why did you and your GF go during the Aussie winter?

She went travelling and finished up there so I went out as soon as finished my Uni commitments. This meant it was reasonably cold in the South (And freezing in the Grampian mountains) and it got dark at 5-6pm each day. Doh.
I bet this was one of your worst decisions... did you end up with a clpped out Mitsubishi that had something like "Eat **** and die" spray painted on it?

Actually no I was very lucky - it had nothing really random on it at all and was probably the newest one I'd seen, early 2000's with only 70k on the clock, PAS and aircon. It was just... cruddy. My GF really wanted the 'Wicked' experience which is why we (And i suspect everyone else) went with them - however all the other companies are cheaper and, from what we saw, better. Still, its one of these things you have to say you'd tried once.
I'm not a huge fan of flying but it wasn't THAT bad. Lots of entertainment. Don't let the flight put you off, if its a free trip, go, and go now. Worry about the flight when the plane starts to take off.

Anyone know where I can get some webspace? I have a 250mb a day bandwidth allowance which seems a bit.. puny for a paid for internet account? :confused:
I flew with Malaysia Airlines who are one of the 6 5 Star airlines in the world. The service was excellent and I had a 34 inch seat pitch. I wanted to fly with Singapore, who have a smaller seat pitch but ipod connectors and laptop power in the seats and of course the A380 but sods law stopped me...

... it was £800 with Singapore when I booked. 5 weeks before I left, Singapore had dropped the fare to a staggering £399 return. And to add insult to injury we just sorted my GF's flight home next month and... oh, Singapore airlines.

Doh! Never mind, Malaysia were good.
Told you to go with Singapore Airlines ;)

I would have done but they were considerably more expensive and meant not only did I pay more but I also traded seat pitch for an ipod dock. Were they the same price I'd have done it. It's just irritating that they dropped the price to £160 less than I paid after I'd booked :D

the air stewardess' arent bad either ;)

not that im rubbing it in :D

No complaints with the Malaysia sterwardesses :D
Makes me wonder why everyone is so obsessed with visiting the states - everyone I know has been to America yet hardly any to Australia. I've been to both and although we are probably going to do America again next time I think Australia is better :)
Really loving the look of the Ford Falcon XR6, think i could get along with the dash provided the removed that stupid screen and fitted a proper lcd with Nav.

You can get nav instead, obviously the hire cars are not specced with nav. If you spec nav you get a colour screen there instead.
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