Automatically copy photos to Synology from iCloud

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I didn’t know which forum was best for this so please move if it is better suited elsewhere.

I have a Synology DS218 NAS and I would like to back up all photos and videos from both mine and my wife’s iCloud accounts. I have about 45000 and the wife has about 55000. Most of them are chaff but in the absence of an opportunity to go through them and whittle them down, I want to dump them onto the Synology, and if possible, get the Synology to automatically pull new pics and videos from iCloud.

To do the initial dump, I tried initially using the DS Photo app on my phone but at a rate of 1 file every 4 seconds it’ll take far too long. Next step was to use Synology Photo on DSM to pull the files across whilst indexing them etc. There is a 5000 file limit so that’s a no-go. iCloud also has a 1000 file limit for downloading via the browser so that wasn’t an option.

I then tried using my Win10 PC with iCloud installed to copy the files to the Synology using Teracopy. It started off well but the download of files from iCloud slowed to a few Kb/s and had to be abandoned. Internet connection is 550mbit FTTP. I am now trying the same process but copying to a USB HDD. So far, so good but it’ll take a good few more hours. If this works I’ll plug the USB drive directly into the Synology and let it copy the lot across while I’m in bed.

So my questions are:
1. Is there a more eloquent and efficient method to download all media files from icloud direct to a Synology NAS without a limit of the number of files?
2. Is there a way to set the Synology NAS to pull new files from two separate iCloud accounts and store them in their respective folders?

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