Autonomous Vehicles

2 Aug 2012
You know someone's completely out of their depth when they keep referring to "AI" cars. :p

It's not even close to how they work.

Mind, it might be more interesting if they did. It would certainly help me to forget that I am being driven around by a washing machine

Like the AI car that was the centerpiece of an episode of "Bull" a month or so back.

(Basically it was also capable of PA capabilities and even having a chat while one was being driven)
28 May 2007
I want people to abide by the laws which would make everything safer, I don't care if things are expensive, lots of things are.
I would say anyone who can afford to run a car properly and legally in the UK can afford karting or a track day. They would have to give something else up, thats how life works unless you have unlimited money available.

The roads are not for racing or really shouldn't be for pushing on either as most people do not do it safely but thats a completely different issue.

Will be interesting to see, I struggle to see a government banning "driver cars" but equally over a sustained period of time i see they dying out.
Plenty of reasons, but one will be critical mass. Think how petrol stations have declined, low margins etc, add into the mix the point where 50% of drivers are now EV, at that point I am sure lots of petrol stations will stop running them, or the price will go up very significantly, it has to to balance cost vs revenue. That will really start the vicious cycle.
I can envision a day there will be no real option to run a petrol station, and at that point you will have to switch to a specialist supplier, think like heating oil. So by that point only real real petrol heads would even consider wanting to drive a ICE car.
Also by then they will probably be slow and horrible places to be compared to a modern Ev at that point.
For these same reasons I don't think there will be a switch to motorbikes, they still require the fuel :)
Thats also assuming that later in the cycle govrnments do not massively load old fossil fuels, they cant right now, but when 90% are using Ev do you think they cant make the move, I would suggest they can at that point.
Sure you can buy petrol/diesel, but due to economics of supply and demand and tax its now £100 a litre, how would you like me to top up sir? ;)

IMO we are lucky in a way, we will probably be able to see our driving days out having access to affordable ICE cars, and by the time driving starts to become an issue for me due to age, there may well be level 5 available.

Yeah I get you want to be driven around...
28 May 2007
But you judged me earlier and in nearly 30 years I have a count of both added together as zero.

You said you couldn't notice things I do, struggle with parking and signs. If you want an car AI go buy the first one.

I find it a little strange you arguing the safety aspect with 30 years of impeccable driving history.
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22 Nov 2006
Yea, they will end up being stuck there all day in certain places :D

Theres nothing they would be able to do about it either. You won't be able to tell the car to creep through like you would driving it yourself, because 'elf and safety.
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28 May 2007
Yea, they will end up being stuck there all day :D

You could have a chat with the car at least. Might be the start of a beautiful relationship :D

Pretty sure someone will post a link to an American firm thats working on that problem :p will be solved by level 6 automation. Adds Intergrated protien replicator and reverse osmosis water colection from anti freeze.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
You said you couldn't notice things I do, struggle with parking and signs. If you want an car AI go buy the first one.

I find it a little strange you arguing the safety aspect with 30 years of impeccable driving history.

I did no such thing, I can understand why your are struggling so badly as you seem to have comprehension fail set to 11.
Just because I can see the advantages of things doesn't mean I need them.

You find it strange because you can't accept the fact that most RTIs are caused by drivers, normally failing to follow the rules set out.

For example, the vast vast majority of dual A road/motorway incidents have no real reason to exist, people all going in the same direction, surfaces may not be the best in some cases but thats rarely bad enough to cause an RTI in itself.
Then you often get the incident on the opposite side of the road, why? Because people travelling on the opposite direction stop driving properly and start looking over.
In driverless you could stare all you want as you zoom past safely.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Everyone in there autonomous cars doing 56mph and I will be weaving in and out in bliss. No more tailgaters and the autonomous car will just move out of my way!

Actually though its more likely the opposite, when you look at the road trains ideas they are suggesting,

Basically, car 1 would start and car 2 would communicate with car 1, would then pull up very close to car 1 and would just follow car 1 directions for accelerate, brake etc
This brings benefits of reduced fuel and space needed.
The chains would form, then when someone needed to break the chain their car would advise, pull back, remove itself from the chain, the car that was following would then speed up (and any following it) and close the gap

If anything your utopia of loads of big gaps would be the opposite, large lines of cars driving so close together you wouldn't get in a gap if you tried.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Driving in London will be interesting as soon as everyone figures out that cars can't run them over at crossing :p

Which again is already happening, emergency city braking, its an option now on many cars but like everything it will probably come in to mainstream soon
Its already part of the NCAP rating

I wonder if you get technology at all, you seem to think everything is impossible when half of it already exists.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Yea, they will end up being stuck there all day in certain places :D

Theres nothing they would be able to do about it either. You won't be able to tell the car to creep through like you would driving it yourself, because 'elf and safety.

Very built up congested places will probablt change a bit, but even so the more likely outcome would be you would have to manually override and accept risk to proceed in self driving mode beyond a point it would be preprogrammed to accept.
Eg a manual button to press or even a city mode or something, not challenging to resolve
28 May 2007
Very built up congested places will probablt change a bit, but even so the more likely outcome would be you would have to manually override and accept risk to proceed in self driving mode beyond a point it would be preprogrammed to accept.
Eg a manual button to press or even a city mode or something, not challenging to resolve

Cool so the AI will let you run people down and we will rebuild cities to suit. This will be a brave new world.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Wonder what sort of chaos will be caused when cars start being hacked.


Its already happened, think it was volvo who had some issues on a normal ICE car. Someone found a way to hack it and do lots of things like start it without the key etc

For sure if we were all driving around in fully controlled cars under a full blown centralised system then chaos could be unbelievable. However if they are all autonomous and just talking to each other it will depend on signal ranges etc. I mean how many cars would pass you on the M25 rush hour in 30 seconds. Actually scratch that, answer could be 0 ;)
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Cool so the AI will let you run people down and we will rebuild cities to suit. This will be a brave new world.

Again your making up rubbish, how do you possibly bridge what I wrote to that?

You seem to struggle so badly to think, why do we have most of the issues we have now, because humans cause them. You could probably fit twice as many cars in a car park if humans never needed to go in for example, cars could park super close and just shuffle a little when needed to come back out.
9 Apr 2007

Its already happened, think it was volvo who had some issues on a normal ICE car. Someone found a way to hack it and do lots of things like start it without the key etc

For sure if we were all driving around in fully controlled cars under a full blown centralised system then chaos could be unbelievable. However if they are all autonomous and just talking to each other it will depend on signal ranges etc. I mean how many cars would pass you on the M25 rush hour in 30 seconds. Actually scratch that, answer could be 0 ;)

I guess all it would take is for some sensors to be altered and cars would start crashing into each other.
28 May 2007
Again your making up rubbish, how do you possibly bridge what I wrote to that?

You seem to struggle so badly to think, why do we have most of the issues we have now, because humans cause them. You could probably fit twice as many cars in a car park if humans never needed to go in for example, cars could park super close and just shuffle a little when needed to come back out.

How can you not see what you're suggesting for a solution is silly.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I guess all it would take is for some sensors to be altered and cars would start crashing into each other.

Yep easily. Thats our human fear playing out in front of our eyes! Its a very real concern though, because if we go past the point of a driver being able to take control (physically and/or literally) then they go from hmm what if to quite scary prospects

Some techs already exist though that have done that, active lane assist will physically change the cars course, so you could hack that today in theory if there was an opening to do so, ie instead of making it keep in lane 1, make it decide it needs to swerve to lane 2
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