My household outgoings are now higher than my joint family income. I am already sitting in the dark in the evenings and avoiding putting any heating on. I'm pretty much eating cereal and bread for my meals to keep costs down. We haven't been on holiday for at least 10 years; we were finally going this year and cancelled it due to my redundancy. There isn't much I can cut out now to reduce costs apart from selling the house (and then paying massive amounts of stamp duty on a smaller one).I’m sorry for what happened to you, but people attacking the poorest for being given inflation matching increases is not justifiable.
I haven't attacked the poorest at all and even said I appreciate they are in need of help. I don't begrudge them it. Good luck to them. I'm not on the poverty line and I will make it work somehow, probably with a second job. But one day I would like the government to help me and my family rather than us being a constant cash cow for everyone.
That is just changing the subject. My point was that simply saying it's the employers problem to find a solution is naive at best. They will do what they did to me and simply reduce their workforce. That's how companies work. Being made redundant doesn't help make my energy or food costs less that theirs either.Your salary will still be a lot higher than the average person on benefits. I don’t mean that to sound callous, but being on benefits doesn’t make their energy or food costs less than your own.
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