Auzentech X-Fi Prelude 7.1 Sound Card : Driver issues

haha well, not freezing is definitely a good thing. i dont own a prelude btw - totally pointless cards to me - but i do have a xonar. its just interesting to see what peoples opinions are:)
haha well, not freezing is definitely a good thing. i dont own a prelude btw - totally pointless cards to me - but i do have a xonar. its just interesting to see what peoples opinions are:)

So how can the Prelude be pointless if you own a Xonar, aren't they very similar products?
So how can the Prelude be pointless if you own a Xonar, aren't they very similar products?

on the face of it yes. what made the prelude a pointless card for me was the fact that people were raving about the analogue output quality and then using their cards with a digital hookup using DD or DTS encoding...why? your bypassing the best bit about the card lol. i bought the xonar because the analogue outputs are every bit as good and the card itself is a lot cheaper. plus it isnt plagued with x-fi related problems (i wouldnt say its perfect though). for me i think its a no brainer - i cant see the point of buying an expensive card with a decent analogue stage, and then using digital. what a waste lol.
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I love my prelude (don't worry I'm on analog outputs :D) but I'm having problems with the microphone. It sometimes cuts out if I allow the computer to go on standby or start a game. Also, the 20db boost keeps disabling itself whenever I start up the computer.

Does anyone else have similar problems? I used to have the same issues with my creative X-FI card as well. The PC has been formatted since then so driver conflicts are out.
lots of people have those problems. it is purely down to azuentech and can be traced back even to the x-mystique and they never fixed it on that card either. dont hold your hopes up.
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