AVG for Linux - update permissions problems

23 Oct 2002
Some where, out there
I'm using Ubuntu in a virtualbox, have installed AVG for Linux, but get a permissions error when I try to manually update. I can't find the program permissions bit anywhere, and was hoping the more experienced could point me in the right direction.

Archangelus said:
I'm using Ubuntu in a virtualbox, have installed AVG for Linux, but get a permissions error when I try to manually update. I can't find the program permissions bit anywhere, and was hoping the more experienced could point me in the right direction.

Sorry, I'm being a dunce... do you get the permission denied error when trying to run the update executable, or when it tries to update the files on your box?
GarethDW said:
Sorry, I'm being a dunce... do you get the permission denied error when trying to run the update executable, or when it tries to update the files on your box?

I get

"Update process failed.
Reason: Sorry, you do not have permission to execute avgupdate."

when I try and manually update.
Most likely, it's installed in a system wide location. find where it is and chmod the folder/subfolders/files to allow users read / write permissions.

Either that, or run it as root and update it then...
Well, I guess you'd get around the problem by running it as root, a la:

sudo avgupdate

but that shouldn't really be necessary. Does AVG set up any groups? If so, I guess you need to add your user to the AVG group (whatever it's called).
...actually, sort of along the lines of what ==walls== said, do the following...

cd /
sudo find . -name avgupdate

Then check what the permissions are and who the owner is... this will tell you which group you need to belong to in order to be able to execute avgupdate. I wouldn't open up the permissions to everyone, though, I'd just add myself to the group that already has sufficient permissions.
GarethDW said:
Does AVG set up any groups? If so, I guess you need to add your user to the AVG group (whatever it's called).
that's better suggestion than mine :)

if it doesn't set up groups, then you can either set up a group and apply the perms, or chmod the folder/files.
You don't... but there are anti-virus solutions out there, so that you don't inadvertantly forward on infected attachments that would infect Windows users ;)
GarethDW said:
You don't... but there are anti-virus solutions out there, so that you don't inadvertantly forward on infected attachments that would infect Windows users ;)
yip - they generally scan for win32 viruses... there are linux viruses, just not in the wild (and at the end of the day, they can't exactly bork your box!!) :)
Argh! Now I'm confused! I've put myself in the AVG user group, AVG into my user group, but still can't manually update. I can't change the permissions of the update program, because I'm not the owner?!

You'll all appreciate that I'm a linux n00b, so my apologies if this seems blindingly obvious to you guys.
ok - start off by finding the avg program folder. try
whereis avgupdate
that should hopefully show you the path. cd to the folder above that path (e.g. if the path is /var/lib/share/avg,
cd /var/lib/share
Then, change to root
> su
<enter root password here>
# chown -R root:<avgusersgroup> <avgfoldername>
# chmod -R 775 <avgfoldername>
# exit
If your user is a member of the <avgusersgroup>, that should allow you to run the updater as a user.
=walls= said:
Then, change to root
> su
<enter root password here>
# chown -R root:<avgusersgroup> <avgfoldername>
# chmod -R 775 <avgfoldername>
# exit
One slight amendment... this is Ubuntu, so instead of using the su command (which requires you to know the root user's password) replace it with the sudo command, which instead asks you to enter your own password.
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