Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Flame away but I got to ask...

Those who are going to get this album, which version are you going to get? It seems the UK version has 12 tracks

1. Girlfriend
2. I Can Do Better
3. Runaway
4. The Best Damn Thing
5. When You're Gone
6. Everything Back But You
7. Hot
8. Innocence
9. I Don't Have To Try
10. One Of Those Girls
11. Contagious
12. Keep Holding On

Then on CD-wow there are 2 different versions

1 - CD

1 * Alone
2 * Contagious
3 * Everything Back But You
4 * Girlfriend
5 * Hot
6 * I Can Do Better
7 * I Don't Have To Try
8 * I Don't Wanna Be
9 * I Wear The Pants
10 * Innocence
11 * It's All Because Of You
12 * Keep Holding On
13 * One Of Those Girls
14 * Priceless
15 * Runaway
16 * The Best Damn Thing
17 * When You're Gone
18 * Running From Yourself

2 - CD with DVD

1 * Girlfriend
2 * I Can Do Better
3 * Runaway
4 * The Best Damn Thing
5 * When You’re Gone
6 * Everything Back But You
7 * Hot
8 * Innocence
9 * I Don’t Have To Try
10 * One Of Those Girls
11 * Contagious
12 * Keep Holding On

* DVD: (PAL System & Region 0)
* The Making Of The Album ''The Best Damn Thing'' (20 Minutes)
The thing is I liked her previous stuff, but I absolutely hate her new single "Girlfriend", like, really really really hate. Has put me off thinking about getting the album until I've heard quite a bit more.
I've got the DVD version on pre-order from CD-Wow

Will pick up the standard version on release from the shops though, so I dont have to wait :p

The extra tracks are going to be on iTunes, so I'll pick them up on that
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bam0 said:
The thing is I liked her previous stuff, but I absolutely hate her new single "Girlfriend", like, really really really hate. Has put me off thinking about getting the album until I've heard quite a bit more.

Me too that song is awful and the video to it put me off even more, not heard any of the other songs so there may be a few good ones in there but she seems to have gone a bit too pop mainstream for me
bam0 said:
The thing is I liked her previous stuff, but I absolutely hate her new single "Girlfriend", like, really really really hate. Has put me off thinking about getting the album until I've heard quite a bit more.

Hey hey you you, I don't like your post.

Hey hey you you, you need a right a new one.
james.miller said:
its like shes grown up and become 12 again all at the same time

That shouldn' make sense but it does. Not keen on new song I just keep thinking of "Hey Micky" when I hear it.

She has gone the opposite way that I thought she would with that song, hopefully the next single will be a bit more solid.
Hasn't music moved on since then. Girlfriend sounds like a hit from about 5 years ago.

I don't by any means "hate" it, but I have no interest whatsoever in listening to it.
shes hot, crap song but damn addictive!!!!! grrr

its one of them kinda things where u know u shudnt be listening to it, but u do anyway...
I have a feeling people will change their mind about this album, summer is coming up, and this album is supposed to have lots of feel good up beat songs. Sure is different to the other 2 but it doesn't mean it's bad.
I like the new song, simply because she's prancing around in a tartan skirt, knee high socks, high heels and looking ever so sexy :o

The song is pretty crap though.
shifty_uk said:
I like the new song, simply because she's prancing around in a tartan skirt, knee high socks, high heels and looking ever so sexy :o

The song is pretty crap though.

WHAT!?!!? ive not seen the video!!

god damn im missing out!
bam0 said:
The thing is I liked her previous stuff, but I absolutely hate her new single "Girlfriend", like, really really really hate. Has put me off thinking about getting the album until I've heard quite a bit more.

Appalling song... I would never, ever buy any of her albums after listening to that song if it represents her newest material. Utter tripe, I can only imagine it's aimed at the 12-14yr old segment of the market that haven't yet developed a taste in music.

EDIT - Just checked it out again on Youtube... oh god that is bad...

"She's like... so whatever, you can do so much better... I think we should get together..."

Cue Darth Vader style: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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I hate the new track. Shes basically become what she (used to) hit out against.
But i'll give the new album a chance, because i didnt like the last one from the first released track off it either.
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