Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

The single "Girlfriend" is what I like to call a 'Mute Track'. She looks fantastic in the video but when the video is accompanied by the track all hell breaks loose. Switch back to mute and you just have a hot lass prancing about making 0 stupid noises.

Everyones Happy :)
I've gone for the 18 track CD, will get the DVD at a later date. Rather have more tracks, never really watched those DVDs more than once anyway. Anyone else getting their's tomorrow ?
Listened through this twice now since picking it up early (way to early for just picking up an album :p) this morning

Absolutley love it, undecided how it pairs up against the other two, but its fantastic none the less

Havent had a chance to watch the dvd yet
Indie said:
WHAT!?!!? ive not seen the video!!

god damn im missing out!
She does look pretty good, makes up for the appalling song. Must've seen that around 1000 times, it's on 1-2 times every time I'm at the gym.
honestly Im not sure what the big deal is with her. IMO she looks all pasty and unhealthy like some kind of crack whore and her music isn't very good.
gurusan said:
honestly Im not sure what the big deal is with her. IMO she looks all pasty and unhealthy like some kind of crack whore and her music isn't very good.

Stay out the damn thread then :p
gurusan said:
honestly Im not sure what the big deal is with her. IMO she looks all pasty and unhealthy like some kind of crack whore and her music isn't very good.

Good job we are all allowed our own opinions then.

Still can't understand why people feel the need to come into a thread only to proclaim how much they dislike the person or topic. A bit sad really.
james.miller said:
because its all about opinions i guess. it would be a very boring place if all people could do is agree on everything.

True, but you don't see anyone going into GD and go "This forum sucks balls" do you? ;)

Anyway, still waiting for my copy to turn up in the post.......might get the DVD version from town while i wait !!!!!!!!!!
Raymond Lin said:
True, but you don't see anyone going into GD and go "This forum sucks balls" do you? ;)

Anyway, still waiting for my copy to turn up in the post.......might get the DVD version from town while i wait !!!!!!!!!!

Do it! :D

It was only £11.95 in HMV yesterday, and the normal version was £9.95
Steedie said:
Do it! :D

It was only £11.95 in HMV yesterday, and the normal version was £9.95

Powerplay has the DVD version for £9.99 and normal CD at £8.99.

Watching the DVD now, she's really cute in that Skate board/limoncello thing at the start. :D
Raymond Lin said:
Powerplay has the DVD version for £9.99 and normal CD at £8.99.

Watching the DVD now, she's really cute in that Skate board/limoncello thing at the start. :D


More people need to get this album

It's a really feel good album, it is very different from her previous two albums, but you can still tell its Avril, still that uniqueness to it. Her voice has improved again on this album and it really helps make some of the songs that much better

My favourite songs are probably "Runaway", a really good song with such a catchy beat to it. Chorus to it is really energetic and upbeat.
"Hot", "Keep Holding On" and "Innocence" which is a such a beautiful song.

Really one for the summer this album, but one that can be listened to whenever as well, it has a song for each mood I feel. Yes she may be a bit more pop now, but its still damn good music.

For £8 in Tesco you cant go wrong even if you're not sure on her, you're not wasting much with £8. But I guarentee you'll like it, even if you wont admit it.
If its only her looks you're interested in, then get it for the album artwork ;) some very nice pictures there indeed

Go buy it :)
dmpoole said:
Played this album today and its really good

I found that there is a lot of hooks and instantly catchy melodies in it, even at first listen it grabs you. I was expecting a train crash after hearing the single when it first came out but held my breath and actually think she did a great job producing her own album.

p.s. the DVD is good as well :) 3 Studios !!! :eek:
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