Awkward Question - Fraudulently claiming permission

Can they prove the friend did this? What evidence do they have? Also, like banks etc, surely they were asked security questions to be able to access the account and make changes, did your daughter give them the information? Or did EJ just allow them to make changes without asking this?

Could be worth pursuing, but not sure what the outcome would be.
Pretty much, think it's mainly due to the fact that 2 of them are in college and the other isn't working, so £400+ works out at a fairly hefty amount of their finances and involved borrowing money to afford the additional flight, so if there is any chance of reclaiming it, they'd like to know about it.
I think you didn’t read his post, he’s implying EJ have already paid for the extra flights and so everyone is being greedy wanting extra comp…

If I’m reading you correctly, everyone is out of pockets having to stump up extra for the alternative flight which was promised would be paid for by EJ, which has now not been honoured (except for the ex-friend).

Its EJ I’d be chasing, ask customer servives how to escalate and if not forthcoming what their complaints process is.. look for ombudsmen or similar bodies.. see CAB, they might help.. but EJ should not have accepted anyone’s word other than the person who booked for precisely this reason especially with the compensation aspect.

The fact CS can’t deal with it is irrelevant, that might be their tactic, or the truth, but that does not mean it’s not their fault and need to rectify, it’s a lot of money and the principle.

Take to twitter and get this mentioned directly to them, or Facebook, or wherever they have a presence.. this should be addressed by EJ IMO.

When claiming permission on things like insuarnce or anything else of the sort, you have to jump through hoops to show you have permission, normally the policyholder must be present Etc.. EJ bypassed any reasonable attempt to establish permission and that makes them liable IMO.

Absolulety as a last resort would I consider taking their friend to small claims, ibut if that was the only option they do need to understand their are repercussions for their actions..
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