Another handy spot would be the head of that huge bolt just to right of the yellow bit on that last pic I posted. Nestle that into the head of the jack stand. That bolt is one of the four that holds the entire front end of your car on, so it'll definately be strong enough.
Wish I could help more, but I've GOT to be getting to bed. I've got to be awake (at the latest) in 5 hours.
Good luck with it. Basically set the car down SLOWLY onto the jack stands and give it a shake when the car's 50/50 on the stands and the jacks. That way if it's not 100% secure, you're still on the jacks and can lift it immediately back up to find a more suitable location for the stands.
Please, do NOT leave it just on the jacks and start removing wheels. As I said earlier, the jacks are designed to have some flexibility in them, which is a bad thing (tm) when you start removing major components and have to be reefing on the caliper bolts. The car will most likely fall off the jacks if that's all that's holding it up.