B-Die 1.5v for daily use

No in my experience using the normal flash method you still see any previous saves after the flash.
Using the usb port and bios flashback everything is erased which ensures trouble free updates (for me anyway).
@Awahwah unless using a 5 series Zen I would suggest you stay on 3.61.

The latest updates have core optimising which wont work for you but equally they seem to have removed the NBIO XFR menu with options to adjust EDC etc.

I was forced to use the Bios flashback a few times after pushing things too far and it would just freeze mid boot. It was use Bios flashback or scrap the motherboard time so i have been very grateful for that option.
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I've been monitoring this. Im at stock 1.5V on my G.Skill 3800 CL14 and the highest I've seen the Ram temp reach after 3 hours of gaming is 45C. I also have the O11D XL with both Rads as intakes so there is some active cooling over the Ram modules. In OCCT without active cooling they hit 50C in a matter of 3 minutes.

50c? Jesus. This was posted on the forums couple weeks ago: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/forums/threads/ram-temperatures-with-testing.18910859/

Some people saying above 40c is dangerous. Then this saying 50-55c: https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocki...ung_b_die_is_really_sensitive_to_temperature/

Again by now I would have expected say Linus Tech Tips or Gamers Nexus to have binned say 30-40 B Die kits and try and see if any consensus on temeperature could be reached (e.g. does a worse binned B Die have different temperature tolerance to a higher binned one). At this point it's just reading random reddit threads and you need to have such a riduclous amount of kits for testing (ideally on the same motherboard) to make any sort of claim.
I cannot see it being difficult to attach a temp sensor tbh. You just need something to attach the other end for data input.
50c? Jesus. This was posted on the forums couple weeks ago: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/forums/threads/ram-temperatures-with-testing.18910859/

Some people saying above 40c is dangerous. Then this saying 50-55c: https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocki...ung_b_die_is_really_sensitive_to_temperature/

Again by now I would have expected say Linus Tech Tips or Gamers Nexus to have binned say 30-40 B Die kits and try and see if any consensus on temeperature could be reached (e.g. does a worse binned B Die have different temperature tolerance to a higher binned one). At this point it's just reading random reddit threads and you need to have such a riduclous amount of kits for testing (ideally on the same motherboard) to make any sort of claim.

50C is the limit for B-Die before errors occur. I've read 45C if you want to run 1.6V daily, but at 1.5V anything under 50C. Ill keep monitoring it, and if I reach 50C during normal use, I will invest in a water-cooling kit.
I've just stuck a couple of diodes on my sticks. While gaming the highest temp was 43c, at desktop they sit at around 36 - 37.

Mine sticks have 1.51v going into them at 3800 c16.
Seems like a pattern emerging.

I installed my 3080 FE on Wedneday, and my ram overclocks suddenly become unstable besides working just fine for about a year with my GTX 1080.

I had two profiles:

1. Aggressive.
2. Less aggressive.

Both had stood up to any game I have played over the last year with my 1080.

Install Watch Dogs Legion on Wednesday and RTX 3080. Play some games.

I could play one session for 3hrs and it was fine. But eventually I experienced the following issues over the next few days:

Blue screen with profile 1.

CTD with profile 2.

I bumped the voltage with profile 2 up 0.1mv and retested with HCI and had no problems passing 400%.

I gamed again for about 3hrs last night and it was fine. But it needs a few more sessions to see if the CTD is now fixed.

My B-die is now at 1.48v.
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