Back door smashed pc & laptop nicked part 2

20 Apr 2004
Back door smashed pc & laptop nicked part 2.1 with photo's!

For thouse that did'nt read my last thread i was at work (nice sunday sunny afteroon) and some1 smashed down my back door and nicked my PC tower and laptop , (left eveything else), alarm going off and people did nothing and said there herd nothing :eek: what a joke that was .what sucked about it was finished uni with only 4 days till my gradution and 13days till i moved out of bolton (i was in a bad part of it for 4 years and nothing like this happened.)

well the next day (monday)with the police crime number in hand i contacted my insurance company endsleigh/JDLA and i can't prise them more , very nice to talk to and top class staff

My case was passed from 1 person to an thour when when the 2nd person rang me back it was clear her read over my case and info (i send them a fax on the tuseday with the reseats of the parts in the tower as all but 1 part was purcashed in the middle of may) the did'nt put a foot wornge as i was fearing the worse (ie being offered worse gear that what i had) as this was my 1st insurace clame but now a week thursday after i was broken into a got a nice call saying they were sending me a nice cheque covering both the tower an laptop ! today the cheque clears so i orderd my new parts , some which are a minor to major upgrade like an x-fi elite pro over my old audigy 2 zs plat pro , e6320 to e6600 , 8800gtx to ultra , abit quad gt to evga 680i ultra and so on.

all in all it was allmost worth it for the upgrade in parts plus im out of bolton and endsleigh were as quick and top class on there side of things as much as they could. So im very happy and would recomend them to others for sure needed a quick turnaround as i was feeling down at only getting a 2-2 at uni dispite working hard all year while most others that got 2-2's in my class rushed eveything in the last 2 weeks ,REALY some peeps rush there whole last year in 2 weeks .

Least it all worked out for the best , now to find a post grad job and make a new CV as my CV were on the old PC's

UPDATE - heres the photos

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Would it kill you to use a spell checker? Reading your posts is a chore.

You might find that people will take you serious if you at least put some sort of effort into constructing a legible post.
KillBoY_UK said:
this is what i meen , get to much "poo" like that off people in RL bah
I'm not being nasty, just offering a bit of friendly advice. People wouldn't give you "poo" if you made an effort to construct a proper sentence.

Try to type your posts in something like Microsoft Word or use the spellchecker plugin which is available for Mozilla Firefox, it should help you out quite a bit. :)
people seem to care more about spelling/grammar , than what happened ,its allmost like peeps saying i disserved what happened as my spelling ,grammar hand writing suck so badly , could be worse ie txt speak lol . Gets my back up.

mite of well close the thread now admin
KillBoY_UK said:
people seem to care more about spelling/grammar , than what happened ,its allmost like peeps saying i disserved what happened as my spelling and grammar suck so badly , could be worse ie txt speak lol . Gets my back up
It's hard to figure out what you are saying when your posts turn out as a jumble of random mis-spelt words. Nobody is saying you deserve anything, they're just trying to offer you some advice to improve your posts, otherwise your posts will be ignored and you will have the reputation of a lazy fool for not even trying to communicate properly.

Make an effort, it really isn't that hard. There are members that post here who have all sorts of learning difficulties but they put the effort into constructing a message properly and hence are respected.

Would you rather I closed the thread or deleted the posts about the spelling/grammar?
Glad you got it all sorted mate, terrible to have anything like that kinda crap happen, but its worked out ok in the end, and all you lost was your porn :)
Glad your insurance worked out for you.

And as for the spelling i read it first time round fine, didnt even see the problems untill people commented, but i dont really see the problem with any of his text of cource a lot of it is spelt wrong but the human brain (which you all should have ;) ) compensates for mistakes, have none of you dont the test thing where you read a whole page of writing but every word has letter missing but you brain can still read it fine, well i find my brain works the same with wrong letters or 2 many, posting on the internet is not a spelling competition.
KillBoY_UK said:
people seem to care more about spelling/grammar , than what happened ,its allmost like peeps saying i disserved what happened as my spelling ,grammar hand writing suck so badly , could be worse ie txt speak lol . Gets my back up.

mite of well close the thread now admin

i dont think anyone is saying that at all, but as you know you suffer from Aspergers and know that your spelling and grammar isn't the best it would be of benefit to you to use a checker, i'm sure you will with any formal writing so why not as standard?

I'm glad its been sorted out, my friend managed to go back into her house just as a burglar was leaving! and he still got away with the stuff as she is only 5ft and he pushed her out of the way and ran.
Scuzi said:
It's hard to figure out what you are saying when your posts turn out as a jumble of random mis-spelt words. Nobody is saying you deserve anything, they're just trying to offer you some advice to improve your posts, otherwise your posts will be ignored and you will have the reputation of a lazy fool for not even trying to communicate properly.

Make an effort, it really isn't that hard. There are members that post here who have all sorts of learning difficulties but they put the effort into constructing a message properly and hence are respected.

Would you rather I closed the thread or deleted the posts about the spelling/grammar?

Your post/s were constructive criticism but could u say the same about some of the other reply’s ?
SidewinderINC said:
i dont think anyone is saying that at all, but as you know you suffer from Aspergers and know that your spelling and grammar isn't the best it would be of benefit to you to use a checker, i'm sure you will with any formal writing so why not as standard?

I'm glad its been sorted out, my friend managed to go back into her house just as a burglar was leaving! and he still got away with the stuff as she is only 5ft and he pushed her out of the way and ran.

one of my fears at the time was that my GF found the house like it was , if she got in a couple hours early and they broke in who know what would have happend , then again i do have a Bat'leth behind the bed lol
Jono said:
Phonic spelling.
Yeah bit harsh, i apologise.

Anyway, seeing as it's the done thing, I look forward to seeing your CV up here for C&C :)

Glad you got sorted.

my CV was 100% mint! , it be 110% as i have a friend high up in EA Q@A management to help me. He came out of uni with nothing and doing very well for himself 6 years later ( he was one of the “poor” peeps that EA consolidated to Madrid) , hoping to land myself a testers job somewhere and work my way up. I do have quite a few well placed contacts hoping one of them will give my big break.
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