

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

we have just received a fresh batch of cases from the awesome Parvum Systems.

For those unaware, these flat pack cases are hand made right here in the UK and offer incredible aesthetics and cooling capabilities.

There really isn't a more unique and enthusiastically designed chassis than this on the market today and Overclockers UK are privileged to work so closely with such a creative and unique company.

Due to the unique and complex manufacturing process that each case undergoes, these cases are produces in minute quantities. We only ever get a few in at a time so be quick to secure your case.

Check out some of the things you can do with a Parvum Systems case.




Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - Black with White @ £129.95 inc VAT


Only £129.95 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - White with Black @ £129.95 inc VAT


Only £129.95 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - Black with Red @ £139.99 inc VAT


Only £139.99 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - White with Red @ £139.99 inc VAT


Only £139.99 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - White with Blue @ £139.99 inc VAT


Only £139.99 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - Black with Green @ £139.99 inc VAT


Only £139.99 inc VAT.


Parvum Systems S1.0 MicroATX Case - White with Green @ £139.99 inc VAT


Only £139.99 inc VAT.

I have been looking for a case like this for a long time! But a while a go i put my foot down and got a Silverstone Temjin TJ08 :( Wish i waited for one of these.
I like! This looks like a realy viable (read affordable) alternative to a caselabs case...
Keep your eyes peeled next week. We have the new S2.0 coming very soon. The launch will be this week and the features on offer are worth the wait for sure
Ugly, plus I worked for laser cutting company. Thay would make case like that for quarter of the price.

Who'd make the measurements and materials for a quarter of the price?

Look at the Parvum systems build logs and you will get an idea of just how exact the cuts must be for them to create a complete package. You don't do that in your cellar.

I don't have a Parvum myself, but they are beautiful. I'd buy a midi-tower or a full-tower for my future builds though possibly.
Who'd make the measurements and materials for a quarter of the price?

Look at the Parvum systems build logs and you will get an idea of just how exact the cuts must be for them to create a complete package. You don't do that in your cellar.

I don't think you know how model making company work, we made exact model of skyscraper in one day, it was expensive but if you know how to use autoCad make project and to cut this with laser it would take around 15min.
I look forward to hearing from you when your beautiful, custom made, specialist computer case company is up and running.

I will give Parvum a shout and tell them that I will be expecting my next order a lot faster if its only 15 minutes a case.

Post up some designs of yours that are better, either that or get back under your bridge.
I look forward to hearing from you when your beautiful, custom made, specialist computer case company is up and running.

I will give Parvum a shout and tell them that I will be expecting my next order a lot faster if its only 15 minutes a case.

Post up some designs of yours that are better, either that or get back under your bridge.


I own a parvum and its a great case, now if your confident and can better it i suggest you open your own case making company and rival parvum if not pipe down with those comments because they aint nice!
Not to mention your 15 min case would be no-where near the level of customer service and attention to detail that the parvum boys do. they put a price on it and you get more than you pay for. If you want a simple case off a shelf then go for your 15 min case, If you want you PC to be art, then these are you're men.
I look forward to hearing from you when your beautiful, custom made, specialist computer case company is up and running.

I will give Parvum a shout and tell them that I will be expecting my next order a lot faster if its only 15 minutes a case.

Post up some designs of yours that are better, either that or get back under your bridge.

Well said! Due to the recent flooding a number of trolls have been venturing from under their bridges.

On a more serious note, I love my C70 in white but these came out (while back now) a couple of days after I had bought it and set up my rig, heartbroken was my reaction when seeing these badboys and at that price, they are a steal.
I look forward to hearing from you when your beautiful, custom made, specialist computer case company is up and running.

I will give Parvum a shout and tell them that I will be expecting my next order a lot faster if its only 15 minutes a case.

Post up some designs of yours that are better, either that or get back under your bridge.

15min to cut not make, its overpriced made from cheap material and ugly
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