Why would we have wanted our money back, we paid for it to run and crunch, which it did for many years when it was no longer viable to do so it stopped, its not like we expected it to last forever, there weren't enough shareholders to pay for its electricity anyway, Spie was paying that, and the insurance costs just got out of hand so it got shut down.
A few years later the shareholders decided to split it up and it was hosted by magman and some others, but by then it was way past its sell by date and a single C2Q could put out more wus, and Seti classic became Boinc and then it was just so much scrap.
I think at its peak on boinc it put out 1000 RAC. Thats how fast hardware was accellerating past it at the time.
It certainly outlasted its own usefullness and we have fond memories of the old dear but I don't think anyone except the most naive would have expected any more that what happened.