Back to the gym after 9 years


Goblet squats
5 x 16kg kettlebell
5 x 16kg kettlebell
5 x 16kg kettlebell

Bulgarian split squats
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight

Seated leg press
10 x 65kg
10 x 65kg
10 x 65kg

Reverse lunges
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight

Seated leg curl
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg

Abs resistance machine


1 arm dumbbell row

12 x 7.5kg
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg

Pulldown ss/w dumbbell curls
12 x 45kg / 5kg
12 x 45kg / 5kg
12 x 45kg / 5kg

Row/rear deltoid ss/w hammer curls
12 x 20kg (wide grip) / 5kg
12 x 20kg (wide grip) / 5kg
12 x 20kg (wide grip) / 5kg

Reverse flyes cable machine
12 x 25kg
12 x 25kg
12 x 25kg

10 mins on the crosstrainer (2 miles), I would have run further/longer but my legs are still aching from leg day :D
Hopefully :D I've seen little strength gains, I'm assuming until I finish my cut and start bulking / training for strength, I'm going to remain about the same strength.
The first week of intermittent fasting went well. I lost 2 pounds and it was easy. I think I'll continue with IF while I'm cutting :)

Dumbbell chest press
12 x 15kg
12 x 30kg
12 x 30kg
12 x 30kg

Incline chest press
12 x 20kg
12 x 20kg
12 x 20kg

Decline chest press
12 x 20kg
12 x 20kg
12 x 20kg

Overhead dumbbell press
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg

Tricep pushdowns ss w/ lat raises
12 x 21.25kg / 5kg
12 x 21.25kg / 5kg
12 x 21.25kg / 5kg

Pectorial fly
12 x 35kg
12 x 35kg
12 x 35kg

I didn't have time to do any cardio this morning.

Goblet squats
5 x 16kg kettlebell
5 x 16kg kettlebell
5 x 16kg kettlebell

Bulgarian split squats
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight

Seated leg press
10 x 65kg
10 x 65kg
10 x 65kg

Reverse lunges
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight
10 x bodyweight

Abs resistance machine


I didn't bother with the seated leg curls as my Hamstrings were tight and I think they had a good enough workout :p

12 x 25kg
12 x 50kg
12 x 50kg
12 x 50kg

1 arm dumbbell row
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg

Curls using cable machine
21s x 11.25kg
21s x 11.25kg
21s x 11.25kg

Row/rear deltoid
12 x 22.5kg (wide grip)
12 x 25kg (wide grip)
12 x 25kg (wide grip)

Reverse flyes cable machine
12 x 30kg
12 x 30kg
12 x 30kg

25 mins on the crosstrainer (5 miles)
I'm going to start going to the gym 4 days a week as I've enjoyed the last couple of months. I struggled to decide how to split my workouts so I'm going to follow a 2 day upper/lower body split routine.

Upper Body A

Bench Press (I'll drop it to 17.5kg next week)
7 x 20kg
6 x 20kg
5 x 20kg

The bar weighs 20kg, I'm not sure if I should class the above as 40kg instead.

1 arm dumbbell row
8 x 15kg
8 x 15kg
8 x 15kg

Incline dumbbell press
10 x 12.5kg
10 x 12.5kg
10 x 12.5kg

10 x 50kg
10 x 50kg
10 x 50kg

Lateral raises
12 x 6kg
10 x 6kg

Triceps press-downs ss w/ dumbbell curls
12 x 21.25kg / 5kg
12 x 21.25kg / 5kg
Lower Body B

High bar squats
8 x bar
8 x 30kg
8 x 30kg
8 x 30kg

Bulgarian split squats
5 x 12kg
10 x BW
10 x BW
10 x BW

Seated leg curls
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg
10 x 30kg

Calf extensions
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg
10 x 45kg
10 x 45kg


I kept the weight low on the squats as I want to get my form right before increasing the weight.

The lower weighted dumbbells were being used so tried BSS with 2 x 6kg dumbbells but I couldn't squat very deep. I assume I've got bad hamstring flexibility so the plan is to increase the weight slowly.
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Add the weight of the bar (20kg) onto the totals. You're moving the plates+bar after all! :D

edit: e.g Squat would be 8 x 30kg :)
Out of curiosity... Are you targeting a specific weight to get down to, Kris? Plus, how is the diet...
Well my initial plan was to get to 14 stone. I've lost a stone and now weigh 15 stone 2 pounds but my body hasn't changed as much as I thought it would.

I've read a lot of information over the last few months about cutting/bulking/body fat etc and it seems like the majority of articles say to reduce body fat to 12% before bulking. That's the plan at the moment but I'll see how it goes.

The diet is generally not too bad, I'm purposely not overhauling my diet as I've done in the past as it does not work. I'm slowly changing my meals and trying to cook everything from scratch so I can count my calories.

My biggest issue over the last couple of weeks has been not planning my meals which has resulted in takeaways or I end up taking sandwiches into work. The latter may not seem too bad but I've realised that white bread = sugar cravings and it always makes the cakes/chocolate/biscuits my colleagues bring into work more tempting.

I've started intermittent fasting with a 16 hour fast and 8 hour eating window. The timing of meals suits my daily lifestyle so it's going to be easy to continue with it.

My plans are to clean up my diet, add more veggies (always been a problem) and have smaller meals. I feel this is a long term goal so I'm happy it's going in the right direction :)
Upper Body B

8 x 25kg (warm up)
8 x 45kg (warm up)
8 x 60kg
8 x 60kg
8 x 60kg

Dumbbell shoulder press
8 x 15kg (warm up)
8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg
8 x 20kg

Seated cable row (wide grip)
10 x 27.5kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg

Dumbbell bench press
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg
5 x 35kg (I don't think I gave myself enough time to rest, I struggled on the first rep)

Dumbbell flyes
12 x 15kg
12 x 15kg (I didn't like these, next week I'll use the cable machine instead)

Ez bar curl
12 x 10kg
12 x 10kg

Skull crushers
12 x 5kg
12 x 5kg
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Upper Body A

Bench Press
8 x bar (warm up)
8 x 30kg (warm up)
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
5 x 40kg

1 arm dumbbell row
8 x 7.5kg (warm up)
8 x 15kg
8 x 15kg
8 x 15kg

Incline dumbbell press
10 x 25kg
10 x 25kg
10 x 25kg

8 x 30kg (warm up)
10 x 50kg
10 x 50kg
10 x 50kg

Lateral raises
12 x 6kg
12 x 6kg (paused at 8 reps and had a 15-30 second break)

Triceps press-downs ss w/ dumbbell curls
12 x 16.25kg / 6kg
12 x 16.25kg / 6kg

I dropped the weight on the Tricep press-downs as I wasn't feeling a pump and felt like I was using my shoulders more than my Triceps. After correcting my form I felt the pump after the first set :D

I'm also going to drop the weight on the lat raises as it feels like my form is wrong.
Lower Body A

Romanian deadlift
8 x bar
8 x 30kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg
8 x 40kg

Seated leg press
10 x 65
10 x 65
10 x 65

Seated leg curls
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg
10 x 35kg

Calf extensions ss w/ sit-ups
10 x 45kg / 20
10 x 45kg / 20
10 x 45kg / 20
10 x 45kg
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