Back-Up problem

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
I have a WD 400Gb firewire/usb2 backup external drive. I have installed all the software supplied with it.

When I used the WD back up utility first of all I performed a full back up - which was about 160Gb, then two incrementals which were about 4GB each.

When I went to perform a third back up - I found that even though the contents of the drive hadn't changed that much this back up was 60GB, and then oddly enough so was the next one.

Is this the software borking up? Or have I a faulty hard-drive?

Thanks for any help offered.
23 Aug 2005
greenlizard0 said:
I have a WD 400Gb firewire/usb2 backup external drive. I have installed all the software supplied with it.

When I used the WD back up utility first of all I performed a full back up - which was about 160Gb, then two incrementals which were about 4GB each.

When I went to perform a third back up - I found that even though the contents of the drive hadn't changed that much this back up was 60GB, and then oddly enough so was the next one.

Is this the software borking up? Or have I a faulty hard-drive?

Thanks for any help offered.

I've got the 250GB version and found the software to be flaky so I just manually back my important folders now.
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