
4 Oct 2005
Hey guys im wandering what is the best software out at the mo, to enable me to do a full image of my ssd and back it up to a usb external hd.

then as and when plug in the external backup and do a restore from the external backup cheers
Windows 7 (home premium 64bit)
And tbh i have never liked free ones they are quite lacking (normaly)
i would much rather pay for a solid one i know i can rely on without problems

Thank you for the reply
I'm in the process of looking for similar software - ideally I'd like to create an image, which I can browse at a later date. If need-be, I want to be able to restore from the image.
Macrium Reflect
Good piece of software, but extremely painful restore times. Backed up my netbook's SSD drive in about 10 minutes, and I then secure erased it in about 5 minutes. Restore took about 30 minutes. :eek:

Backed up my desktop to the same external USB harddrive, and the verification was again taking twice as long. You need to be a paid for user to access their forums...not going to happen when I have slow restore speeds.
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