Bad Boys 2

16 May 2004
I presume lots of you have seen it, but what a film.. Totaly action packed, great humour and good story.

I have seen it many times and am thinking about watching it tonight. Its, to me anyhow, one of those films I can see over and over again.. Never get bored of it..
Smith and Lawrence make a great duo. I hope they make a few more movies together..

Your thoughts.
I thought it had one of the most totally over the top chase scenes I have ever seen.

Good popcorn munching action, but at least half an hour too long.
I loved it just for the sheer over the top-ness of it.

Turn your brain off. It's a guilty pleasure.
Nitefly said:
I thought it had one of the most totally over the top chase scenes I have ever seen.

Good popcorn munching action, but at least half an hour too long.

I thought that too. about it being long.. The thing is I was under the impression it was nearly over BEFORE they went to Cuba..:confused: With the Cuban assualt (which was top stuff) I never realised it went on for so long.. Still top film and like other poster mentioned. Pop corn stuff:D

Deffo going to stick it on tonight..
Bad Boys the original was far better. More subtle bond between Smith and Lawerence and less of a big deal about making it funny.

Still BB2 delivers an excellent, no brainer action flick.
Carzy said:
Unadulterated trash of the finest level. Brilliant movie.

Couldnt have put it better
I enjoyed it but the original was better, 2 was a bit too long and it felt that they were trying that little bit too hard compared to the banter that existed in the first. Great to watch for mindless entertainment though. :)
Still can't get past the scene in the TV store without creasing up. Damn good, turn your brain off and relax, action flick though. :)
pitcl said:
Is BB2 the one where their both in the coroners and Marcus starts checking out that dead girls implants? ROFFLE


"That thing you did to my ass really hurt, I haven't been able to walk properly for days" in the shop after he gets shot in the bum. :D
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