Bad covers.

i did that video originally and they stole that off me. they were miming that (children in need i think) but someone backstage recorded it and then leaked it. i dubbed it back on. then i got a DMCA notice and it was removed.
How were they recording anything if they were miming it on stage?

What is a DMCA notice?
All these weedy pathetic versions of classics from past deacdes, wtf is that "Born to be Wild" ***** on the adverts at the moment? absolutely awful completely missing the point of the original, and evoking the absolute opposite of the counter-culture etc

Born to conform and cuddle a pillow more like.

It doesn't get much worse than Mark Ronson trying to Cover The Smiths "Stop if you think that you've heard this one before". Truly dreadful.
one for today:
Not the worst cover out there but it's like throwing a tin of beige dulux at the Mona Lisa and saying "yeah, nailed it!". :(
That brings to mind 'Pump It Harder' by the Black Eyed Peas. A song which consists of an almost unchanged (and excellent) Miserlou instrumental, except it has some complete halfwit shouting 'Pump It' every now and again for no appreciable reason.

I may be exaggerating there, but I have absolutely no intention of listening to it again to check for sure.
Incorrect. Pump It by BEP is amazing!!

Seriously, it’s really good! A great slice of dance pop :)
i did that video originally and they stole that off me

You did what exactly?
The first thing leaked was the audio which somebody had faked and said it was them but millions of idiots believed it.
That audio was then put on that 'live' video of them claiming auto tune removed.
It is a massive recording myth but Auto Tune wouldn't be able to make somebody sound like this in the original video below if they were singing that bad in the faked version.

Because of the tune. Which is unchanged from Miserlou. Nothing that the BEP added to it contributes to how good it is at all.
I completely disagree. It’s got a great hook, fun up-beat raps, diversity of male and female voices that rounds it out... just sounds like your about to RAISE THE ROOOFFFFF.

I‘m not a super fan of the group but they do write some really good feel good tunes and Pump It is one I really dig :cool:

Not every day has to be a Radiohead day!

Another great song in a similar way... Fireball by Pitbull. ****ing love that tune :D
More on topic...

The worst song to be covered I think is Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. I remember hearing this really crufty echo-y chorus-effect-laced male solo artist covering it.... nooo. It just doesn’t work. You can’t really cover something that seems so distinct and personal to that voice.

I mean... listen to the original....

... then this syrupy version.

It’s just far too glossy and pretty for the subject matter.
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Happy Mondays sampling the 'Boys Are Back In Town' (Thin Lizzy). Absolute gash, and that's notwithstanding it's one of the most overplayed tracks Lizzy ever recorded too. Phil Lynott must have turned in his grave.

But my clear winner...ADAM and the cover of 'Zombie' (The Cranberries). Taking what in my humble opinion is one of the greatest tracks ever penned and turning it into this ******* monstrosity.

Happy Mondays sampling the 'Boys Are Back In Town' (Thin Lizzy). Absolute gash, and that's notwithstanding it's one of the most overplayed tracks Lizzy ever recorded too. Phil Lynott must have turned in his grave.

But my clear winner...ADAM and the cover of 'Zombie' (The Cranberries). Taking what in my humble opinion is one of the greatest tracks ever penned and turning it into this ******* monstrosity.

**** me those are awful. I couldn't finish either of them (unlike the Tracy Chapman cover which gets a bit better towards the end. @Nitefly I reckon Michael Kiwanuka could do a good guitar-led cover of TC for that).

Dolores writes a song about sectarian murder and bomb attacks and they try and make it a dance/techno car wash? No. Just no. The video makes it even worse. It just shows they understand nothing about what they're singing. Much like people who request "Every breath you take" at a wedding.
One of my favourite bands over the last few years is GHOST and they did a cover of my most hated act The Pet Shop Boys.
I'll feel dirty if I link it.
One of my favourite bands over the last few years is GHOST and they did a cover of my most hated act The Pet Shop Boys.
I'll feel dirty if I link it.

It's a sin if you don't.

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