Bad pings in BF2...ADSL Max?

19 Dec 2003
Hi folks,

I went to Nildrams up to 8mb service from PlusNet, The transfer was all done and line ready on the 20th of April.

So 10 days from then, is today, should my line be stable at the correct speed now?

I was playing BF2 earlier and the pings went all over the place, one min I was on about 30ms, then it went to 200ms etc, made it unplayable...

I havent played any games online for a few weeks so is the ADSL Max to blame for the random pings? When will it settle?

Data rate 8128 448

Noise margin 7.1 20.0

Output power 19.8 11.8

Attenuation 24.0 12
BT may have enabled 'interleaving' which makes your ping go higher.
Wait for the '10 day' test period to be finished and then if you still get high pings, ring your ISP and ask them to disable interleaving.
Any (useful) error counters (preferably including the cells/frames/time they're measured over)? Interleaving enabled? Connection otherwise idle?
Traceroute to the server in question might be useful (or better still its IP).

Your SNR margin isn't that great, but shouldn't really be causing issues like that.
I havent got any error counters or anything :( I dont know about interleaving, can I turn that off then, I just migrated from Plusnet to Nildram I didnt ask for anything in specific from them?
You'd need to ask Nildram to turn that off - your modem should be able to tell you if it's on though.
Error counters should be within the same page as attenuation/SNR margin etc (if your modem gives them).
SeanyK said:
I was playing BF2 earlier and the pings went all over the place, one min I was on about 30ms, then it went to 200ms etc, made it unplayable...
I'm getting the exact same problems.
The problem is All the terms in this thread are going straight over my head, any chance of someone putting it into laymans terms for someone not in the know on networking?
There are two modes (maybe more) of sending the information down your line to you. One is called Fast, and the other Interleaved. Interleaved spreads data across packets (a packet being a small chunk of data, usually about 1400-1500 bytes on an ADSL connection) to prevent corrupt data as it might become corrupted on the way to your house. Fast does not do this. By checking the data with interleaving, there is additional ping added as the data is spread out more. That's a VERY layman way of putting it.

Fast - data gets sent down, no matter what state the data is in, anything which needs resending is resent.

Interleave - spreads data out across more units and checks it (I think).

You can check the stats above usually from your router:

Link Power State: L0
Mode:                   G.DMT
Channel:                Interleave
Trellis:                ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):       6.4             18.0
Attn(dB):       53.0            28.5
Pwr(dBm):       19.5            12.1
Max(Kbps):      5888            996
Rate (Kbps):    5312            448
                        G.dmt framing
K:              167(0)          15
R:              16              16
S:              1               8
D:              32              4
                        ADSL2 framing
MSGc:           1               1
B:              167             15
M:              1               8
T:              1               1
R:              16              16
S:              1.0952          9.0000
L:              1344            128
D:              32              4
SF:             9001172         9001170
SFErr:          404             0
RS:             612079752               76509945
RSCorr:         62629862                0
RSUnCorr:       5871            0

HEC:            350             0
OCD:            18              0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    1917082501              0
Data Cells:     32549218                0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             371             0
SES:            146             0
UAS:            11              0
Total time = 1 days 18 hours 30 min 48 sec
SF  = 9001172
CRC = 404
LOS = 159
LOF = 0
ES  = 371

TBH, I don't know what most of the middle stuff is. I only understand the bit at the top and the bit at the very base. All the stuff in the middle is unknown to me :p. That's been taken just now - I'm a gamer and want interleaving off but I don't know if my stats are too bad?

However, seeing as interleaving isn't on for the OP, then that cannot be the cause of the poor pings, so it must lie somewhere else.
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It won't be in the settings - you can't set it (directly).

It'll most probably be in with the page where you get SNR margin, attenuation, output power, sync rate etc (though it'll depend what modem/router you're using)
tolien said:
It won't be in the settings - you can't set it (directly).

It'll most probably be in with the page where you get SNR margin, attenuation, output power, sync rate etc (though it'll depend what modem/router you're using)
Hmm, I'l check the instructions to see where that is tomorrow morning when I am a bit more alert. Cheers all.
I used MS Telnet to get my stats from command line - I would check to see if your router does similar and get a list of commands available - if you feel up to it :p
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