Bad sectors maybe?

15 Oct 2003
Hi there, just a quick question really regarding my hard drive in my laptop...
Every so often my system freezes, just completely locks up and I have to hard reboot.
At first I thought the system was maybe overheating or my ram was at fault but I've ran Orthos on Blend and on Large FTT's for a good few hours and it wa completely fine. Vista's and Dell's memory diagnostic stuff was also fine.

I set Windows to run scandisk on startup but it froze at 30% checking through files, it has done this again at 30% so I decided it would be best not to do it again...
I have ran HD tune's error scan (not the quick one) which came up fine, the benchmark was a little erratic, at times it went down to 0.2mb/s, maybe that's normal though.
Hitachi's diagnostics came up with nothing either, so I am completely unsure.

I thought it possibly was the Hard Disk as I have seen this symptom with Bad Sectors before but maybe I am wrong?

Any ideas?
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