Baldurs Gate 3 gameplay reveal

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Its on streaming at the moment.

Amazing intro cutscene, can REALLY tell that its made by the people behind the Divinity Original Sin games. It really does play more like a Divinity game than Baldurs Gate so far.
Its on streaming at the moment.

Amazing intro cutscene, can REALLY tell that its made by the people behind the Divinity Original Sin games. It really does play more like a Divinity game than Baldurs Gate so far.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it does look like a reskinned Divinity Original Sin 2
It does look a lot like a reskinned Div Original Sin 2. Identical movement system, same elemental mechanics etc, almost identical UI. I can foresee a lot of people complaining that its not Baldurs Gate its Divinity : Baldurs Sin.

However, that said.. D:OS2 was my game of the year when it came out, so I'm ok with playing in a Baldurs Gate world using the D:OS2 engine.
I mentioned my concerns regarding this happening in the dedicated BG3 thread.

I guess I'll be skipping unfortunately, Baldurs Gate 1 + 2 (and expansions) are among my favourite games ever made, in fact that stands true of a few more Infinity Engine titles. I wasn't keen on the Original Sin games.

Seems like they just bought the rights to BG3 for the weight of the name, without any intent of delivering a game that's a genuine sequel.
I wanted to like Divinity original sin 2 but couldn't due to the combat system. Magic ac and melee ac as separate things felt stupid a lot of the time.
Oh dear god, what have they done.....

Divinity one was interesting Divinity 2 was shocking, no idea why everyone felt it was so awesome.

Yet another golden franchise atm destroyed.
Oh dear god, what have they done.....

Divinity one was interesting Divinity 2 was shocking, no idea why everyone felt it was so awesome.

Yet another golden franchise atm destroyed.

I loved Divinity 1 but it wasn't my game of the year, Divinity 2 however I really loved (felt more polished to me) and that one was my game of the year. I'm really looking forward to Baldurs Gate 3 after seeing that gameplay footage but to be fair I'm not really looking forward to it as a Baldurs Gate game, its more that I am looking forward to it as "Divinity 3". I think that the truth is that Baldurs Gate 3 will probably end up being a great game but not a great Baldurs Gate game, so it will largely depend upon if the playerbase can accept it as that. I guess a bit like how some people might say that Joker was a great film but not a great Batman film (as Joker would have been a great film about the same issues, even if it wasn't set in Gotham or had any connection whatsoever to the Batman universe)
I couldn't get into OS at all, there's just too many things happening all at once in general, it's sensory overload. It looks like it's a lot better for people really into D&D which I just don't care about, while the actual stories & dialog just are too middle-of-the-road pulp fantasy whatever.
Re BG3, I was reading one of their producers' interview earlier & he was talking about how they don't like easy trash mob fights and want every battle to be difficult & elaborate, and I realised they just don't understand contrast/dualities. Because when you have every battle be just as long & elaborate (& tedious) as every other, guess what, you can't have great differentiating fights anymore! And I think that's also my main beef with OS, it just doesn't understand build up at all. It's evident in the writing, in the music, in the fights, in everything. It's also strange because when they had Divinity 2 I loved that game & I didn't think it had those problems, though it's obviously quite different in style to OS 1&2.

Maybe that's just me, but as for BG3 I am kinda disappointed it's just OS3 + BG branding. I was hoping we'd see a different Larian again.
I loved Divinity 1 but it wasn't my game of the year, Divinity 2 however I really loved (felt more polished to me) and that one was my game of the year. I'm really looking forward to Baldurs Gate 3 after seeing that gameplay footage but to be fair I'm not really looking forward to it as a Baldurs Gate game, its more that I am looking forward to it as "Divinity 3". I think that the truth is that Baldurs Gate 3 will probably end up being a great game but not a great Baldurs Gate game, so it will largely depend upon if the playerbase can accept it as that. I guess a bit like how some people might say that Joker was a great film but not a great Batman film (as Joker would have been a great film about the same issues, even if it wasn't set in Gotham or had any connection whatsoever to the Batman universe)

Well put, and I agree with you. Not sure if I'll like this game. Something about the humour that Larian puts in their games that doesn't quite gel with me personally, plus I wasn't all that enamoured with the combat system in DOS2. But I can easily understand why so many people liked DOS2 - it is very polished and a vey well made game. I think if someone is a Larian fan I'd be amazed if they don't like BG3 when it finally arrives.
I couldn't get into OS at all, there's just too many things happening all at once in general, it's sensory overload. It looks like it's a lot better for people really into D&D which I just don't care about, while the actual stories & dialog just are too middle-of-the-road pulp fantasy whatever.
Re BG3, I was reading one of their producers' interview earlier & he was talking about how they don't like easy trash mob fights and want every battle to be difficult & elaborate, and I realised they just don't understand contrast/dualities. Because when you have every battle be just as long & elaborate (& tedious) as every other, guess what, you can't have great differentiating fights anymore! And I think that's also my main beef with OS, it just doesn't understand build up at all. It's evident in the writing, in the music, in the fights, in everything. It's also strange because when they had Divinity 2 I loved that game & I didn't think it had those problems, though it's obviously quite different in style to OS 1&2.

Maybe that's just me, but as for BG3 I am kinda disappointed it's just OS3 + BG branding. I was hoping we'd see a different Larian again.

Couldn't have put it better myself, and what you've said is exactly how I feel about DOS1&2.
Just a tid bit from CohhCarnage here. He mentions that BG3 is in Pre Alpha state and that the devs uses Divinity game stuff as placeholders instead of grey blocks, which seems to be the norm otherwise. Obviously that's no guarantee how the game will end up in finish state but thought I put it here, since how many voicing their opinions as how the game looks like DoS now, it might change once the final game comes out.
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