Ballistix 2x1GB - worth the hassle?

25 Feb 2006
okay so i know these things are the most RMA'd memory out there... but also theyre capable of crazily high speeds (ive seen upto 307) so basically is anyone using the 2x1GB kits and are they worth the hassle? or should i just go with the mushkin or ocz PC4000 stuff? thanks for the help

I would not do it, the chance of getting a faulty set is very high and if you get a duff set you run the risk of getting 4x512Mb sticks back from RMA
Ive got them and haven't had one problem since they were released. I get 260ht @ 3-3-3-7 @ 2.7v

I have to admit tho, i'd be mightily naffed off if I tried a RMA and got 4x512mb.

Im told tho that they (Crucial) have sets of 2x1gb ready for such RMA times.

Your call I suppose... personally I fancy trying the new Mushkin XP4000 Extreme Redline, even tho they are a little expensive... failing that Im interested in the new Corsair 2x1GB PC4400 that has just come out... prolly quite pricey tho.
Cashman said:
Ive got them and haven't had one problem since they were released. I get 260ht @ 3-3-3-7 @ 2.7v

I have to admit tho, i'd be mightily naffed off if I tried a RMA and got 4x512mb.

Im told tho that they (Crucial) have sets of 2x1gb ready for such RMA times.

Your call I suppose... personally I fancy trying the new Mushkin XP4000 Extreme Redline, even tho they are a little expensive... failing that Im interested in the new Corsair 2x1GB PC4400 that has just come out... prolly quite pricey tho.

Mine are dying, I'd steer clear.
Not worth the hassle. I RMA's mine on tuesday and they sent me 2x1GB thart arrived today, but due to some UPS error they wanted mt to pay tax because it said RMA instead of warranty refund, but thats sorted now I just have to wait untill tomorrow.

Go with the Mushkin Redline
Mine are on RMA atm via OCUK, Will they send me 4 x 512mb modules ? Because i only have 2 spare slots as ive got 2 x 512mb of Mushkin xp4400 in already and i wanted 3 gig. Oh well if they do guess ill have to ebay them and buy some decent 2 x 1gb modules that don't die after a few months of use.

I thought the cases were isolated to people that have been spanking their vDimm too much :(

I just hope mine dont go the way of the dodo as I dont want to get rid just yet!!

Stick well clear then !
na pals wiped out after a couple of weeks using default speed, timings and voltage. Oh yes...and mine wiped out too and I still havent got a replacement from OCuk. Good stuff....but will it work for long...that is the questtion.
Cashman said:
I thought the cases were isolated to people that have been spanking their vDimm too much :(
Unfortunately not, it does however look like high VDimm (>2.8V) kills them rather quickly.
Had mine since last July, running at 250, 3-3-3-8 1t, 2.8V, never had an issue with them, however I'd recoomend you not to get them....see above lol.
Arcane said:
Had mine since last July, running at 250, 3-3-3-8 1t, 2.8V, never had an issue with them, however I'd recoomend you not to get them....see above lol.

records can be set
Just RMA'd my second set today,recently gone from NF3 (epox 9NDA3+) to NF4 (DFI Ultra D),they were working o.k in the epox but one stick was erroring quite severely in memtest on the Ultra D,messed with mem timings,voltages,drive strengths etc until I was goggle eyed but still couldn't get 'em stable,hopefully it'll be 3rd time lucky.

OP,go for some of the G.Skill HZ,it seems to be much more reliable and is currently at a reasonable sort of price.
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