Ballistix 2x1GB - worth the hassle?

Panzerbjorn said:
one of my sticks has just died. Whats the process for RMA, should I do it through OCUK?



Just phone 0800 013 0335,they'll assign you an rma no.It only takes a few minutes.
Is there a way to make this memory more stable like underclocking it or something, as ive just got a new set on RMA and i wouldnt mind keeping it alive a bit longer this time.
brenkehoe said:
Is there a way to make this memory more stable like underclocking it or something, as ive just got a new set on RMA and i wouldnt mind keeping it alive a bit longer this time.
Use 2.5V and see how tight you can get the timings.
brenkehoe said:
Is there a way to make this memory more stable like underclocking it or something, as ive just got a new set on RMA and i wouldnt mind keeping it alive a bit longer this time.

low vdimm will help,try running it at 2.5-2.6.
Just received my 2nd replacement set today,I will admit their rma turnarounds are fast,I just hope I won't need the service again for a long while.
Touch wood,this set seems o.k so far mem tested them error free for 4 full passes @264(ddr528) with a vdimm of 2.5 and timings 3,4,4,8,quite happy with this at the moment as it allows me to keep my SD3700+ at its max stable overclock of 2.9 1:1,and so giving me a nice lot of bandwidth.

would be nice to tighten the timings up a little aswell but not if it means running at an increased vdimm,I'm pretty sure the 2.8 I was putting through my last 2 sets is what finished 'em off,I think I'd rather sacrifice a little performance and run them at voltages of 2.5-2.6,should last longer that way I reckon,bloody hope so anyway.

I'll give them a mem test overnight to make sure their stable,well..... stable for the time being anyway.Trouble is you never know how long this Ballistix stuff will last,however stable it may seem,it's like having a time bomb in your PC.

I wonder how many rma's there have been all told of the 2 gig kits,Crucial must have lost a boat load of cash over these modules,it makes me wonder how they can keep rma'ing so many kits indefinitely like this.
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