Not even close, IR receiver is about 99p, USB WiFi can be had for £5 on ebay (WiFi sucks for a media player), PSU again £5. It already has a NIC.
Most people have the spare parts needed to get a Pi up and running (Small SD, USB Pen, Old Micro charger ...etc
I have read a few people having problems due to cack PSUs, the guideline is that you need 1.2a for stability once you get XBMC running and the likes of WiFi drawing on the USB. I only have one rated that high in my house and I need it for my tablet, would guess many people are similar. It costs at least £10 delivered to get a proper quality one rather than some Chinese junk that is rated at twice the capacity it is built for, but feel free to have crashes or a house fire to save a couple of quid.
Likewise a link to this 99p delivered IR receiver would also be appreciated. Note it needs to support full power on/off and everything else by default in OpenELEC, good luck as I have been looking for a good one for a while for an Ion Build I have . The only one I have tried that works as well as the one in the NUC is the old Microsoft Windows Media boxes. These are massive, ugly and the last one on eBay sold for £24 inc delivery LINK.
Also no wonder your WiFi sucks if you are using a £5 card of eBay, mine streams 1080P happily and saves the cost and mess of either running a cable or buying power line adapters. Also known to work perfectly with OpenElec and XBMCbuntu, no research, risk or hassle. Would be surprised is a half decent £10 stick performed as well and as easily, but that would be a fairer comparison.
Finally still no case included, just checked and you can now get some for £2 delivered of eBay, though style and quality is lacking. For me a PCB hanging out the back of my tv is not an option, if I was building a Pi I would pay a few quid more to get a case I could happily look at.
It's different strokes for different folks, but saying it is £35 to £200 is daft. Yes you CAN get something that works for £35 with the Pi, but it does not have the quality and functionality that most people are looking for. I bet most Pi owners using it for XBMC have spent £50+ by the time they included the bits to finish it. Around twice the cost, but much more powerful, better looking, faster and more futureproof. I have been looking for the perfect XBMC system since it was Xbox Media Player running on a hard modded Xbox, this NUC is the closest I have found for an affordable price (and I have tried a lot).