Band of Brothers

chimaera said:
Whilst we're quoting our favorite bits...

Gotta be the battle for Foy, where Spiers just runs through the entire German line...then back again.

Gives me goose bumps every time thinking about it, fair play he surprised them once but to go back...thats something else.
I like the last episode where the paths they all took after the war are revealed. Just goes to show that they were human beings who went back to normality after their service.
My wife is away on holiday this week as well, so i might well do the same, should look good on my 55" RP TV.

I could do a Band of Brothers and From the EArth to the Moon marathon on successive days :)
MarcLister said:
I like the last episode where the paths they all took after the war are revealed. Just goes to show that they were human beings who went back to normality after their service.

If you've not read the book its worth it for the ending alone, it goes into much greater detail on post war happenings. Some of the guys who were evacuated with injuries have fascinating stories.

Cpt. Sobels is quite sad, he ended up blaming easy for getting divorced and becoming ostracised from his kids and everything else bad in life. He eventually commited suicide and none of his family or Easy were at the funeral.

Talbert also never got over the war and ended up an alcoholic. Some people got on with their lives whilst others couldn't get over the memories.
chimaera said:
If you've not read the book its worth it for the ending alone, it goes into much greater detail on post war happenings. Some of the guys who were evacuated with injuries have fascinating stories.
I haven't read the book. Planning on getting it sometime.

chimaera said:
Cpt. Sobels is quite sad, he ended up blaming easy for getting divorced and becoming ostracised from his kids and everything else bad in life. He eventually commited suicide and none of his family or Easy were at the funeral.
Yeah I read about him on Wikipedia. A sad story that. Especially considering some of Easy company admitted that Sobel's training may have helped them get through the war alive.

chimaera said:
Talbert also never got over the war and ended up an alcoholic. Some people got on with their lives whilst others couldn't get over the memories.
Oh wasn't aware of that. I think I really want the book now I know it expands on the information given in the last episode.
Best war films ever. 10 hours of non-stop action/brilliance. Looking forward to the second in the series, based in the pacific theatre.
The best mini-series - EVER, i've watched it so many times now I can't recal :cool:

Everything, from the casting to the effects is top class, really really worth adding to your collection if it's not already !

The final episode is very well done - showing the tranistion to some sense of normality being a tough one - hearing about what they went on to do and so on ... just class.
I agree with all your posts on here. The thing is the night I started to watch it. I went to bed with the second DVD in as I just finished viewing the 3rd episode. Woke up the following morming to find out I was broken into and they stole the Xbxo 360 and some games /dvds. So now my box set is incomplete :(

Theres a thread on consoles about it.
Did Dick Winters end up heading off to the Pacific?

If so will we see his story and that of his platoon/squad etc. in the pacific?

I can't wait to see it, is it actually being made? or just a possibility?
VaderDSL said:
Did Dick Winters end up heading off to the Pacific?

If so will we see his story and that of his platoon/squad etc. in the pacific?

I can't wait to see it, is it actually being made? or just a possibility?

I don't believe he went to the pacific, they were scheduled to but the japs went and surrendered. Did go to Korea though.

I think the new show is an entirely different company.

Seems to have been planned for ages, last i heard they were casting for the actors.
Thanks for mentioning this show, I'd never got round to watch it, but now I have - I can't believe I've missed out on how good this is for so long.
mks2005 said:
Thanks for mentioning this show, I'd never got round to watch it, but now I have - I can't believe I've missed out on how good this is for so long.

How could you miss it?!

Glad you have watched it now mind.

I saw a DVD in Woolworths the other day, relating to the story of "H" Company. Cant think what the film is call, it had a strange name "Jin Quo"? or something, i am not sure.
Anyone seen it at all and is it any good?

I am going to watch some BoB now i think :D
Fantastic series. These plans to release this on HD-DVD, hopefully sooner rather then later. Better PQ and fingers crossed loseless sound will make this a must buy.
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